Baby Proof

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Baby Proof - A Michael Clifford Imagine

By: 5-sos-love On tumblr

You and Michael had been married for a few years now and during the past year, you two had a baby girl. Now, she was at the age of crawling and you wanted to make sure that she didn't get into anything to dangerous. To make sure of this, you called someone over to help you install baby proof locks and things around the house while Michael took your daughter out on a play day with Ashton's kids. 

They came home just as you were finishing getting dressed after a shower. You heard the front door open and leaned over the stair railing to say hi to them.

"Mikey, it's your turn to do dinner!" You called.

"Yeah, okay babe!"

He left the baby in her play pen and went into the kitchen, pulling on the handle to the cabinet. He was distracted by his phone and hadn't seen that you added the new locks. When it didn't open, he pulled again, this time a little harder. Finally, he shoved his phone and his pocket and starting trying to undo the lock, with no success.

"For fuck's sake!" he swore loudly. You dropped the book you had been reading and went to the stair railing to check on him. 

"Mike, are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He lied, now trying to open up one of the drawers. "I just, uh, closed my thumb in the door, that's all."

You sighed. "Be more careful, okay? And no swearing in front of Y/B/N! She'll learn that and we don't need her swearing like you."

"I'll try to be more careful!" 

Michael pulled on the drawer one last time before giving up and going over to try the refrigerator. There was a lock on it as well and, frustrated beyond belief, Michael gave it a halfhearted pull, sighing deeply when it didn't even budge.

He walked over to your daughter's play pen and squatted down so that he was at eye level with her. 

"I really cannot wait for the day you're old enough for us to get rid of those stupid locks," Michael huffed. Your daughter looked up at him with wide eyes and a smile, reaching forward to touch his face. He smiled back at her before asking, "Is pizza okay with you?" 

She giggled and he went ahead and ordered the pizza.

When you came down and didn't see anything cooking, you asked Michael what was for dinner.

"Well, I was talking to Y/B/N and she thought it would be a good idea to order some pizzas." He said, smiling.

You stared at him curiously for a second before grinning. "You couldn't get past the baby locks, could you?"

Michael faked a hurt expression but sighed and said, "Babe, those things are evil."

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