Michael Imagine - No title

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Michael Imagine

By: inlovewiththeseidiots on tumblr

You and Michael had been dating for almost two years a while back until he just broke up with you. You never found out why he did it, which made it hurt even more. You kept wondering what it was that made him leave, what you did to make him leave. Was it even something you did? Maybe it was just you in general. Maybe it was the way you looked or the way you acted. Maybe it wasn't even you. Maybe it was another girl. A girl that was prettier than you, funnier than you and just all over more perfect than you. You couldn't help but have all these thoughts running through your mind months after he left. It took you so long to get over him and now that you finally completely moved on and forgot about him and what you had ,he was standing right in front of you, looking as if he just saw a ghost. "(y/n)." he stammered out after a few seconds. Even though he broke up with you more than a year ago it was still weird to see him again. Of course you saw a few articles about him here and there and you occasionally talked to the boys, who tried not to mention him, but sometimes did anyways and after a while it actually stopped hurting when you heard his name or saw a photo of him but seeing him in person brought back too many memories and with that all those feelings you had towards him. "Mi-Michael. Hi." you stammered out, overwhelmed with seeing him again after such a long time. You didn't know how to feel about it. You had to admit that there still were a few butterflies that were going pretty crazy when you saw him. You felt kind of pathetic for feeling like this after what he did to you and after the amount of time that had passed since you last saw him but you couldn't help it. "How.. How have you been?" Michael asked after another few seconds of awkward silence. You couldn't help but chuckle at the whole situation, making Michael laugh along with you. This whole conversation was awkward as hell. After a while it got better though. You didn't know why but you really wanted to keep this conversation going so you tried to calm yourself down from the shock of running into your ex randomly and actually make a normal conversation. You two ended up talking throughout the rest of the night, while downing one drink after another. You didn't realize how much you actually drank until you tried to get up to go home, which is the last thing you could really remember from that night. Everything else was kinda blurry and didn't really make sense, when you woke up the next morning and tried to remember what had happened after you tried to go home. You sat up in bed and looked around for a second, immediately recognising the room you were in. With the realisation of where you were a few memories from last night reappeared in your mind. They were all a bit blurry and you couldn't quite remember all the details but what you remembered was how you got out of that bar, to Michael's house and what had happened after you got there. You had no idea how to deal with the fact that you had just slept with your ex. You had no idea what that meant and what you should do. You were kind of hoping that Michael, who was still sleeping in bed next to you, wake up and tell you that he wanted you to stay, tell you that this all was more than just a one night stand. When he didn't wake up for another few seconds you decided it would be best if you left. Who were you kidding. Michael was over you. This was all just a drunk one night stand, that he probably wouldn't even remember if you left before he woke up. You didn't want to seem like the clingy, desperate ex-girlfriend, that couldn't accept that last nights one night stand was just that. A one night stand.

You got up, trying to block out the major headache that was starting to form and the even bigger ache in your heart that had already started to form when you first laid eyes on Michael last night. You quietly collected all of your clothes, put them on and then left. As much as you wanted Michael to wake up and stop you, you knew this wouldn't happen, so why should you wait around for another awkward confrontation between the two of you?

You got out of Michael's house without waking him and started your walk home. As soon as you got there you laid on the couch, trying to ignore the doubts that had sneaked their way into your mind as soon as you left Michael's bed. You spent the rest of the week and the following weeks like this, trying to ignore these doubts and the hole, which had reappeared in your heart now that you had lost Michael again.

It was now about a month after you had slept with Michael and you were starting to get over your feelings for him again. Well actually you just kind of pushed them away. You had more important things to worry about. You had been feeling sick for about a week now. At first you thought it was nothing but then you talked to your best friend about how you threw up every day, most times in the morning, and about how weird it was that you always felt okay again afterwards. As soon as you said it out loud, realisation hit you and the look on your best friends face just confirmed your suspicion. You decided to not waste another minute and immediately take a pregnancy test, so you went to buy one and took it as soon as you got home. Throughout the whole time you were shacking like mad. What would you do if you actually were pregnant? Would you keep the baby? Would you give it for adoption? Would you tell Michael? And if so. How? You had a million questions running through mind, while you were waiting for the results. After what felt like hours the timer finally went off, telling you you could see the results of the test now. You shakily got up and looked at the test only to see it turned out to be positive. You were indeed pregnant. Realising this, you broke down in your best friends arms. You had no idea how to handle this. What were you supposed to do now? You had no idea. The only thing you knew was that you had to tell Michael. He was the only one who could be the father and he had the right to know. Your best friend, who had stayed with you the whole time, tried to calm you down so much that you could actually leave the house. It took her a while, but after about an hour of you crying and her telling you that everything would be allright, that you'd find a way to deal with everything and that she would be there for you no matter what, you were standing in front of Michael's door, ready to tell him the news that would change both of your lives forever.

You shakily knocked on the door and waited a few moments. During these few moments all kind of possibilities of how this could turn out went through your mind, most of them worst case scenarios in which he would totally freak out at you. You were about to turn around to leave and just not tell Michael when the door opened and a sleepy looking Michael stood in front of you. "(y/n)? What are you doing here?" he asked, sleepily and confused. "I-i'm sorry. It's nothing important. I-i didn't.. I didn't mean to wake you. You're probably super exhausted from all the concerts and band stuff and i'm sorry i'm just gonna leave." you started to ramble, panicking about telling him. "Sssh. Calm down. What's going on? You look like you've been crying." Michael said, stepping aside to let you in. "No it really is nothing. I'm sorry. I'm just gonna leave." you mumbled, deciding to just not tell him and do this on your own. He was too busy with the band anyways. Why would he want a baby when he was just starting to get famous and really big with the band? "No tell me." he said sternly but also comforting at the same time. That was something only Michael could do, sounding demanding but still comforting you. You didn't know if it was the worried look on Michael's face or the tone in his voice or if it was something completely different that made you change your mind but something did, so you stepped into his house and awkwardly walked through it, straight to the living room to sit down on his couch. As soon as you sat down you started to nervously play with your hands, looking anywhere but at Michael, who had sat down next to you by now. "Now tell me. What's going on?" Michael asked, worry laced in his voice. You took a deep breath to try and calm your nerves before you started to speak. "Well, I don't really know how to say this, but I... Well you know last month when we met in that bar and we... you know... ended up here.." Oh god this was a disaster. You had no idea how to form a normal, correct sentence anymore. You looked up at Michael, hoping he might have somehow read your mind or understood what you were trying to say so you wouldn't have to actually say it out loud but when you looked at Michael all you saw on his face was confusion, so you kept on stuttering, trying to explain the situation to him. "Well you... we apparently didn't..." No you couldn't tell him like this. This was probably the worst way to say what you wanted to say. "Well what i'm trying to say is... I'm pregnant." There you go. You did it. You looked up at Michael only to see him staring at you as If you had two heads or something. "M-Michael please say something. I know this comes surprising and I know we're not together or anything but I just thought you should know a-and have the chance to be in the babys life a-and.." your rambling got cut off by Michael. "Wow. I mean. Wow. This... This means i'm gonna be a dad. Wow." he said, shakily, not quite believing what was happening. "I know this is sudden and I understand if you don't want this. I... I can do this alone somehow. You have enough going on already with the band and stuff. I'm just gonna do this on my own. Somehow." you said, completely misunderstanding the silence that followed after he realised what you had said. "No. No. Are you crazy. I'm gonna be there for you and the baby. I mean yes this really is a surprise and i'm not sure if I'm ready for this but i'm not gonna leave you. Not again. This time i'll stick around. I promise." Michael said, scooting closer to you on the couch, so he could hug you and let you cry on his shoulder, mumbling soothing nothings into your hair, just like he used to do when you were still together.

Michael Clifford ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now