You don't have the authority

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"You dont have the authority.' (Michael Clifford Imagine)

By: justanothedumbbandimagineblog

 "Make space! Make space!" I hear a gurney being rolled down the hall and I look up and see a boy with Lilac hair pass me on the gurney, his eyes oddly staring into mine and I stand up from my plastic chair behind the reception desk and follow the nurses, "What happened?" "He's been in a automobile accident, lost a lot of blood." I follow them into the ICU and one of the nurses tries to push me out but I stand firmly and she yells, "YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZATION!" "I work here!" She scoffs, "As an intern, why dont you just go back behind your little desk and file some worksheets like a good kid." I step past her as they put the boy into a hospital bed and he looks right at me, smirking softly as I get to his bedside and he reaches out, his hand covered in blood, "You gonna be my nurse?" I shake my head, "No, I'm just an intern here." He chuckles, "Aww...I thought today was gonna be my lucky day." I laugh a little, pulling up a chair and holding his hand in between the both of mine, "What happened? What's your name?" "Michael...My name's Michael." I nod, "Okay, and what happened Michael? Do you remember?" He lets out a laugh, "Yeah...I remember...but first tell me your name." "I'm [Y/n]." He softly smiles, "Thats a beautiful name." The doctors cut through his shirt as I see gashes and cuts and burns and he doesnt even look away and I stroke his hand, "Its gonna be okay..."

      The nurses change him into a hospital gown, and for the seconds he lets go of my hands he complains, "Can she do it? I want her to do it!" They shush him and lay him back down as they start checking his legs which probably are broken by the amount of harsh bruising and I grab his hand again, "Alright, Michael...about this crash..." "I wasnt drunk." "I never said you were." "But they're gonna say I was." "Who's they?" "The media..." He sighs, "I cant catch a break." "I'll tell them you werent then, Michael were you driving?" "Yes..." "Was anyone else in the car with you?" He winces as the doctor applies pressure to his hip and he shakes his head, "No...I was alone..." "Alright Michael, now did the car hit you or did you hit the-" "It hit me...right on the driver's side..." "I'm so sorry you got hurt." "No, its alright..." "Now Michael, do you have anyone we can call, a girlfriend? Boyfriend? Mother? Father? Sibling-" "I dont have a parents are far away." "Then do you have some friends in the area?" "Yes..." "Alright we're gonna need names." I get out a pad of paper and a pen and he winces, "Luke Hemmings...Calum Hood...Ashton Irw- Fuck!" I stare down at the nurse who's holding his leg in an attempt to clean the cuts and I stroke his hand, "I'm sorry, focus on me alright?" "I'm trying not to..." "Why-" "You're so beautiful...god you are beautiful." He touches my face and the nurses pull me out of the room, "Stay out of here, we're trying to work, not have you flirt with patients!" I hear Michael calling for me and I try to get past them but they shut the door in my face and I sigh, hearing Michael yell out in pain and I sit outside the door, waiting for another opportunity to sneak in.

Michael Clifford ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now