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By: likehemmins
Anonymous said:
Son calls your boyfriend Michael, Daddy, and brags about how cool his daddy is

michael would come over to help you babysit your neighbors kid because that child combined with yours could be a real hassle sometimes. the two of you would be sitting on the couch, watching the two kids play on the carpet and listening to what they were talking about. "my daddy bought me this toy," the neighbor's kid would say holding up a plastic train to show to your son. "awesome! you know what my daddy got me?" your son would respond, holding up the stuffed lion michael got him a couple weeks ago. you would glance over at michael nervously but he'd just smile down at the two kids, pulling you closer to his side. "does he always call me that?" he would ask, still smiling at the kids. "because i don't want him to stop."


IM LIKE 9 FOLLOWERS AWAY FROM 100!!! The real question is where are those 9 people tho?? LIKE FOLLOWW

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