Dad Mikey

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long weekend this week so imma post alot of stuff!

your comments are so funny! :)

have you guys heard abigails somg? like omg...i was laughing so hard shes an idiot!


Dad Mikey

by: somethinglikeasweater

After almost 24 hours in labor your baby boy was finally here.

And of course looking exactly like his daddy. Not that you were complaining. Your son had Michael's gorgeous eyes, the beautiful, perfect lips, and his natural blonde hair. Which you had already told Michel he would not be dyeing.

He was born right on time and perfectly healthy with a strong set of lungs.

Seeing Michael cuddle yalls new one in his strong arms made your heart melt. Already he was singing sweet songs and murmuring about how much he loved him. With Michael being an only child finally having a baby meant the world to him. He finally had his own little buddy.

When it was time to go home you felt as though Michael was the more excited of the two of you. Dressing your sweet boy in an adorable outfits, of course something that said something about how great his dad was. Checking his car seat a dozen times to make sure it was safe enough; and making sure you felt good enough to go home, kissing you on the forehead. He kept giving you sweet little kisses any chance he got now. As well as telling you how proud he was and how great you did and how much he loved you.

Pulling into your driveway at your dream house, he ran to gently help you out of the car before running to get his baby. Unlocking the door and stepping inside he turned to you with a big smile. "Back to home sweet home my love." He said kissing your lips. Then lifting the baby carrier up eye level with the wide away boy inside. "Welcome home little man. This is where you'll grow up, it's nice. Mommy and daddy love it here. It's a special house, especially the bedroom. That's where we made you."

Slapping his arm but laughing so he knew you weren't actually mad. "Michael you can't tell him that!!!"

"Come on babe. He's one day old he doesn't know what it means. Let's go cuddle."

Dragging you into your master bedroom suite, helping you take your shoes off after laying down. He laid your new son inbetween the two of you and cuddled you close.

"This is more perfect than I could ever imagine. Thank you so much for giving me a family." He was going to be an amazing father.


thanks for reading! comment, follow, and vote pleasee thankss a bunch! :)

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