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By: 5sosismylovers


Today I decided I would do some spring cleaning, seeing as the house that Michael and I shared was starting to get a bit crowded. I started with the bathroom, then the loungeroom, then the kitchen and etc. After a couple hours, I was done with every room inside our house, besides our bedroom. So I headed upstairs towards the bedroom and got down to business. It took me a while to clean the bedroom up but I still had to clean and organize Michael and I's closets. We both have our separate closets because if we had one closet to share you would most likely find a rat in there, it would get that messy.
I was organizing Michael's multiple pairs of shoes, putting them all in pairs and also putting them all in line with each other. When a little box came into my sight. I picked up the little box and opened it up, it was full of Michaels polaroid pictures...the first picture was pretty standard, it was a photo of him and calum smiling like idiots at the camera and the next 5 pictures were all pretty much the same thing. But once I got to the sixth picture, it was a picture of me? In nothing but my underwear and my back turned towards the camera. He took this without me knowing? What a sly little shit.
I proceeded going through the pictures and I found a landmine of half to full naked pictures of myself that I didn't know Michael even took. He was out with the boys at the moment, so I'm not going to disturb him but he will definitely be hearing about this when he comes home.
I was in the kitchen just about to close the dishwasher when I heard the front door open. I closed the dishwasher and turned around to be faced with my cheeky shit of a boyfriend.
"Hi babe" Michael smiled at me as he walked towards me and put his hands on my hips when he eventually reached me. He leant in and gave me a kiss on the lips.
"Hello Clifford" I replied back to him as I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck,
"What did you do today?" Michael asked me,
"Funny you should ask that...I was doing some cleaning and found a little box full of pictures.." I said as I raised my eyebrows at him,
"Awh you found that.." Michael said as he looked away from my eyes as a blush rose to his cheeks.
"Babe, why did you take them without asking me?" I asked him curiously,
"Because I don't know if you're into that kind of things, but I need some pictures to survive on tour ya know?" he replied cheekily as he winked at me as well. I rolled my eyes jokingly and asked him,
"Why on polaroid?"
"Because hackers have been getting into iCloud on the iPhone lately and I didn't want anyone getting ahold of naked pictures of my girlfriend!" He explained to me. I brought my hands from around his neck and dragged them down his torso and stopped at his belt buckle.
"If you wanted pictures...you could of just asked..." I said to Michael seductively whilst fiddling with his belt buckle.
He picked me up and swung me over his shoulder and whisked away to our bedroom.


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