You leave him

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#8 Preference 'You leave him'

By: melanchxlyluke


2:37; you read on the little clock beside your bed. Late night and you were still awake. Should you do it? You turned around to look at Michaels sleeping silhouette. Face calm, mouth a bit open, chest falling up and down, in steady breathes. Could you really leave him? 

A few hours ago, you were so determind. But now you wanted to change your mind and felt almost guilty. Guilty, that you had already packed your things. They were all in a bag in the back of your wardrobe. Under some of Michaels things. Just in case he would search for something and looked into the wardrobe. Of course, you knew, it was ridiculous. Michael never looked into the wardrobe. The things he would wear, lay across the room. All over the place. 

But the thought of clothes, brought you back to reality and you remembered why you wanted to leave him. You stood up and took some clothes. Quietly you tried to get to the bathroom, to change, but unfortunately Michael awoke by the door squeaking. "(Y/N)?" Michael asked, voice hoarse from sleeping. "What are you doing? Come back here" He patted next to him, the place where you slept, still warm, because you were laying down there just a few minutes ago. "I just need to pee, Michael. I'm right back, ok?" You said, smiling slightly and closing the door behind you. In the bathroom, you threw the clothes on and flushed the loo, trying to make it look like you were really just using the toilet. "Michael?" You whispered, making sure, he was fast asleep again. As you got no answer, you knew, you were safe and opened the door to the wardrobe. Grabbing your bag, you threw your things inside it, not bothering to zip it up. Possibly it would make noises, that would wake Michael. You looked over to him once again, whising you wouldn't have to do this. But he was the one, who caused this all. He shouldn't have slept with this girl, and he shouldn't let have you caught them. He tried everything to make it up to you. He bought a new bed, he threw the bedding away, he apologized every time he saw you. But it only remembered you every time what he had done. And nothing could have fix it. 

You tried to stay with him, but at some point you broke. The fans and the media never shut up about it; how could you stay with a boy who cheated on you? You started to question yourself this every day. And then the idea came to leave him, without him noticing it. He would it, sometime. But you didn't have to tell him, that you wanted to break up, because he would have found reasons for you to stay. With these thoughts you made your way out of the bedroom door, feeling sad, broken and a little bit guilty. The face he would make in the morning, when he would realize, that you had left him. As you were about to close the door, you heard a faintly 'I'm sorry', but you thought, that his apologizes just haunted you, so you closed the door behind you. Little did you know, that Michael was awake, knowing, you were about to leave him, not stopping you, because you deserved better. 


You were out, shopping with your friends. You hadn't see them in a while, because you all were busy with your own life. Jobs, boyfriends and some of you even moving across the city. You were talking, laughing and enjoying, that you all could catch up.

In the late afternoon, you decided it was time for you to go home. You were making your way through the streets, looking in the shopwindows. Not searching for anything special, just looking. Some small cafe caught your eye, because in the window hung a poster with muffins in all flavors. And oh, how you loved muffins. You couldn't take your eyes off the printed muffins and considered, if you should buy one. But there were so many ones, maybe Ashton would want one too. And he really deserved one, for waiting at home, while you were out shopping. And maybe this was just some lazy excuse for you to buy some more muffins. 

You turned away from the poster to look into the cafe. How long was the queue? As your sight wandered around, your eyes stopped at one head. He looked quite familar. A boy with sandy hair and broad shoulders. He sat by himself. You couldn't see, what he was doing. Maybe he already had ordered and was reading a book or something. Or he was waiting for somebody. Maybe even a little kid sat across from him. Why were you thinking that much about a stranger? 

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