He gets insecure about something

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Your POV

By: 5sos-imaginations on tumblr

I'm on my way to Michael's house to hangout. We've been friends for awhile now, and we were gonna watch some movies together. We're both experts on sleeping, movies, and naps. Whenever we got together our days would usually consist of sleeping, eating, and vegetating.

When I got to his house, I just walked in. I knew him pretty well, and his mom wasn't here so no one would really yell at me. So I walk in, and call for him. "Michael! I'm here!"

"Upstairs!" he shouts back. I run upstairs, not skipping steps because of course I'd trip over my own feet. I'm terribly clumsy.

I got there and he's lying on his bed playing some video game. I flop on the bed next to him. "Whatcha playin?" I ask.

"Just FIFA."

I nod, like I knew what he was talking about and started looking through his crap. A notebook was open, and I was so tempted to look at it. I knew he'd probably get mad at me, so I guessed I was just going to look at it when he wasn't paying attention.

He turned off the game and faced me. "What movie you want to watch?" He leaned on his hand with his eyes gazing up at mine. My gaze flickered to his lips for a brief moment, but I quickly gathered myself. Sometimes I had random urges to heavily make out with him, but he was my best friend, so I couldn't. It wasn't right. "Earth to Y/N." He waved his hand in front of my face to try and get my attention.

I snapped out of my thoughts and my eyes wandered up to focus on his expression. It was something I couldn't read, but I dismissed it. "Preferably something funny?" I looked away, I couldn't handle his face today. It was inhibiting me of thinking.

"The Other Guys it is." He smiled and jumped off the bed to put the movie in. I sighed in relief and rolled over on my back. Michael's my best friend. I can do this. I tried to gather my breathing, and grabbed his blanket to pull over my head.

After he put the movie in, he came over to me and collapsed on the bed to lie on. He scooted closer to me, and my face started to heat up. Why is he having this effect on me? This is my best friend, we've done this plenty of times. Our heads were facing toward the foot of the bed opposite of where his pillows were. He leaned his head on my shoulder, and my heart jumped. He's done this before, calm down heart. I'll be okay.

To avoid any more injury of myself, I decided that I'd sleep soon. I yawned to show him that I was getting tired. He looked over at me and smirked at my yawn. I covered my mouth with my hand and he looked away. I couldn't help tensing up with him this close. My breathing got quicker, so I laid my head down.

I pulled the blankets over the both of us, and held them close to myself. My eyes were starting to get heavy, and even though I loved the movie that was playing, I drifted off to sleep.

When I awoke again, Michael seemed to have fallen asleep as well. He was still dead asleep, and I looked around his room, still in a daze. The movie had ended, and I was awake.

Trying not to wake him up, I sat up in his bed. He was close to me, so it was rather challenging. I remembered the notebook I saw on his nightstand, and reached over for it.

"What're you doing?" a voice startled me. I looked over at Michael, and his eyes were open. Fuck.

"Nothing," I quickly put the book down. He sat up and grabbed it from where I put it.

"You were trying to look through my notebook." His eyes were sparkling, but there wasn't a smile on his face. Was he trying to scare me? I chuckled at his attempt.

"Maybe," I blushed a bit. Who am I kidding, this is Michael, he's completely harmless, and even though he can be overbearingly adorable, he's my best friend. I don't have any feelings for him.

"Too bad you're never going to see it." His smile appeared this time, and that made me smile in return.

"Please just let me see just one page." I pleaded with him. I gave him a look that I always used on him, and he laughed quietly.

"Fine. One page."

I cheered, and grabbed it from him before he could decide which page to give me. I flipped open to one of scrawled writing. It looked like either a poem or a song. I showed him it. "What about this one?"

"All of them except that one." He took the book back again and close it immediately.

"Why not that one?"

"Because, I said." A blush creeped on his face and I giggled. He was feeling insecure about his writing.

"What is it?" I asked him, scooting closer.

"A song."

I smiled again. "What kind of song, will you sing it, did you write it?" I bombarded him with questions, eager to hear what he had to say.

"A love song, no I won't sing it, and yes I wrote it." He didn't really look at me, and I moved my head so that his gaze fell on me anyway.

"Why not? Is it about someone I know?"

"You could say that." He shifted away from me, and it made me ache to be near him even more.

"Please can I hear it? I promise I won't tell anyone or give you any feedback."

"No it's okay."

"I'll make a deal with you?"

His face lit up, and he looked over at me. "What deal?"

"I'll do anything you ask me." I grinned, and he returned it. He was probably going to have me give him a massage or something like that.

"Okay. Deal. But I'm not telling you what it is until I make you do it. Got it?" He reached over for his guitar. I nodded in response, and he opened the notebook to the page I had.

He started fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. He was nervous, but I didn't know why. He's sung plenty of songs in front of me before. He started strumming and after a while he opened his mouth to sing:

You call me up, it's like a broken record. Saying that your heart hurts.That you never get over him getting over you. And you end of crying, and I end up lying. 'Cause I'm a sucker for anything you do. And when the phone call finally ends, you say, 'thanks for being a friend,' and we're going in circles again and again.

I dedicate this song to you, the one who never sees the truth. That I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl. Hold you tight, straight through the daylight. I'm right here, when you gonna realize that I'm your cure, heartbreak girl.

He stopped playing and immediately put his guitar down. He blushed lightly and looked away from me. I smiled at him reassuringly. "I don't know why you were nervous showing me the song, it's beautiful, I really like it."

He looked up at me with a different expression, the same one I couldn't read earlier. "Can I get my part of the deal now?" he asked quietly.

I nodded, slightly confused, and he got closer to me. We were both sitting on his bed, looking intently at each other. What exactly did he want?

His head came closer to mine, and I didn't know how to react. I just stayed where I was, and his hand came up to my head to pull me to him. He kissed my lips softly, and after a split second of what seemed like forever, he pulled away. My heart was going fast as hell, and I think my palms were getting sweatier by the second.

That's what he wanted? Did he like me? Did my best friend actually really like me? My thoughts were racing through my head and I got dizzy from thinking so fast. "It's you, Y/N. The song's about you."

I stared at him wide eyed, and he finally looked away. I couldn't help it, my face broke into a wide grin and I pulled him in for another kiss. He seemed surprised that I wanted to kiss him back, and my hands wandered over his body.

"Thank god," I breathed after a while and he laughed against my mouth. I laughed too, and we continued making out on his bed.

Michael Clifford ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now