Who Would've Thought?

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Who Would've Thought? (Michael)

By: five-secondsofimagines on tumblr

  It was 2AM and there was no way i would be falling asleep anytime soon. So, I did what I always did in that situation and called my best friend. Michael hated my 2AM calls. He loves his sleep, and he scolds me every time I've called him in the middle of the night for no reason. This time was different though because he was awake as well. 

  "Hey, loser. Can't sleep?" He answered his phone, seemingly wide awake.

  "Nope. Did I wake you?" 

  "No, actually. I've been up all night." 

  "Why is that?" He's never up this late when he's home from tour.

  "Well, it started off with my mind racing earlier on, just thinking, but now I'm watching cartoons."

  "And you call me a loser." I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me doing so.

  "Why don't you just come over if you can't sleep?"

  "Okay, but I'm not changing out of my pajamas."

  "Didn't expect you to."

  "I'll be there in 10."

  "Pick up McDonald's, would ya?"

  "Are the others up?" I didn't want to come with only enough food for Michael and I.

  "No, they're asleep."

  "I'll be there in 15."

  I rolled out of bed, following up on my decision to not change out of my pajamas. I pulled on a sweater and some boots and headed for McDonald's and then to Michael's shared house. When i arrived, I pulled open his front door because who knocks these days?

  "Michaeeelllll" I called softly from the front door, not wanting to wake our other three friends.

  "In hereeee." He mocked my tone. I followed his voice to the living room and set the bag of fast food on the table in front of him. It was quickly removed from it's spot to be inspected by Michael. "Yes! Chicken nuggets!" He held them up Lion King style. "Want any?"

  "Nah, not hungry." I declined, sitting next to him on the couch. He shrugged and handed me the remote to the TV.

  "Pick a movie." He told me. I took the remote and scrolled through the movies that were on, deciding on Harry Potter. Always the best choice. "You love these movies too much."

  "You love food too much."

  "Touché" He replied, finishing off his chicken nuggets and moving closer to me. That was a bit odd, but I didn't call any attention to it. I grabbed a blanket and Michael stole some of it to share. Also a bit odd.

  "Why couldn't you sleep earlier?" He asked, taking my focus off the television screen.

  "Not sure. I guess I just wasn't tired. Why couldn't you? You really surprised me when you answered the phone wide awake."

  "I've just been thinking a lot lately."

  "About what?" 

  "You." He draped his arm around my shoulder. I was slightly uncomfortable by what was happening.

  "Me...? What about me?" I asked surprised.

  He paused, looking at me with soft eyes. "Your eyes. Your lips. Your nose. You cheeks. Your laugh. Your smile. Your sarcasm. Your humor. Your love for Harry Potter and the rain and Chipotle and All Time Low."

  "I'm lost." I said honestly. I pulled away slightly from his hold to get a better look at him. He pulled me back closer, placing his hand that wasn't around my shoulder on my cheek. I wasn't uncomfortable anymore. There was a long moment of silence and the space between our faces disappeared. Michael's lips were dangerously close to mine. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. He looked up from my lips into my eyes for permission. He took my non-reply as a yes and put his own lips on mine. I don't think I've ever felt about Michael this way. I mean, of course I've thought about it, but never really too much. The feelings rushed over me like a tidal wave, punching me in the face. Michael was the best person I knew, and this kiss made me realize how great he really is.

  Michael pulled away first. "That was better than I thought it'd be." He spoke almost too softly for me to hear.

  "What the fuck was that?" I asked, still in shock from these sudden feelings.

  "You didn't enjoy that?" Michael asked, worry and sadness spread across his face immediately.

  "No, the exact opposite actually." I said standing up from the couch.

  "So, what's the problem then?"

  "There isn't one, I don't think. I'm just shocked." Michael grabbed my hand and sat me back down next to him.

  "I don't know what it is, or why it happened all of a sudden, but you have been the only thing on my mind lately." His fingers took my chin and forced me to look at him. I didn't respond, I just kissed him again. Almost making sure that it'd still feel the same. It did.

  "What does this mean, then?" I asked after pulling away.

  "I want to take you out and show you off, if you'd let me."

  "Yes." I said without hesitation. A smile took over his entire face, my face creating an equal smile. "Who would've thought?!" I said laying back down onto the couch, seriously still shocked at how these feelings were so sudden between us. I curled up into a ball, my head on Michael's lap. He played with my hair, something he knew made me sleepy in seconds.

  "I don't know." He murmured.

  "What time is it?" I said with eyes closed and finally feeling tired.

  "It's almost 4 in the morning. Go to sleep" He hummed in my ear, turning off the TV and adjusting to get comfortable himself. I did as I was told.

  I woke up not much later to the smell of coffee and Michael's arm around my waist, cuddled on the couch. Last night's events hit me when i looked up to his sleeping face. I stretched a little and his eyes popped open and he smiled at me and kissed my nose. Confirming last night was not a dream. He closed his eyes and soon fell back asleep. I heard someone in the kitchen, not knowing how long they'd been there.

  I looked behind the couch and saw Ashton, looking at Michael and I all innocently with a mug in his hand. Ashton was wearing athletic shorts and no shirt. He didn't say a word, just raised an eyebrow. Calum came down the stairs and into the kitchen greeting Ashton, one eye closed, probably still tired. He was in only his boxers. He spotted Michael and I on the couch and opened both eyes widely. I shrugged. He looked at Ashton, then us again, then Ashton again. 

  "I don't wanna know. It's too early for this." He said, waving his hand and grabbing a bowl of cereal to bring back to his room. Luke came into the kitchen next, wide awake and already dressed for the day.

  "Hey Ash, what are we gonna do to-" He stopped mid-sentence when he spotted Michael and I on the couch. "When the hell did you get here!? And also, what?" I wiggled myself out from underneath Michael, waking him back up in the process. I helped him up off the couch and we joined the boys in the kitchen. Luke waited for an answer, but i just smiled and patted his back. Michael shrugged with a wide smile on his face as well.

  "I'm gonna go back home and sleep a bit. I'll see you guys later." I said to both Luke and Ashton with a smirk. Ashton still had the same innocent look on his face and he still hadn't said a word. I think he knew for a while that this would happen. "Walk me out?" I asked Michael. He nodded and followed me to my car.

  "Are you still going to let me take you out?" He asked, his voice still raspy from sleep.

  "Of course." I replied. I kissed him on the lips for a long while, then quickly got into my car and drove off. I watched Michael smile like a fool and shake his head in my rearview mirror before he skipped back into his house. I've fallen for my dorky best friend.

Michael Clifford ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now