Michael Imagine- no title

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Michael Imagine

By: fangirlimagines

"Michael!" Fans shouted as he walked through the street. Your boyfriend occasionally stopped to give hugs and pictures.

"Who's that?" A fan asked pointing to the little boy clinging onto Michael's pants as he stared open eyed at all the girls.

Michael smiled and lifted up the year old boy, "this is little Dylan."

The fans gasped, "Dylan as in you and y/n's son Dylan?"

You and Michael had a son about a year ago, Michael wasn't to excited about him getting all over the news when he was still just a little baby. So the two of you kept him away from the cameras and all people knew was that you and Michael had a baby boy named Dylan.

"Yeah this is him," Michael tickled your little boy, "I think it's time he stops hiding."

The girls all squealed and awed when Dylan hurried his head in Michael's shirt, obviously intimidated by the big crowd.

"Y/n," Michael called you over and handed Dylan to you, "I'll take a few more pictures and then we can leave."

You nodded at your boyfriend, he gave you a quick peck on the lips before returning to the crowd of girls. Dylan watched in amusement as his father handed out papers to the first row of girls.

"Mommy what daddy doing?" Dylan yelled loudly.

You shrugged, "I have no idea what he's heading out baby."

Suddenly Dylan started crying and kicking and keeping him in your arms got hard. You set him down do you won't drop him but he took off running immediately.

"Dylan!" You shouted at your son as he ran to the road, "Dylan stop running!"

Michael's voice rang from behind you, "Dylan turn around!" He ran past you in a blur.

For an infant, your son ran fast. Soon enough he was heading for the street full of cars.

"Dylan!" you screamed. Fear paragliding your body and you stopped running.

Your son ran onto the street in between the cars. Michael screamed and ran faster. Your body shook with sobs.

"Dylan!" You cried.

Our of nowhere a huge truck appeared heading for your baby. Michael's speed doubled as he desperately chased your son. He wasn't going to read him in time and there was no way the driver would see him.

You fell onto the ground in sobs as you watched Dylan stop in his tracks. A girl around 15/16 zoomed past Michael and scooped Dylan in her arms and ran back to Michael.

"Oh my god!" You ran to them your knees shaking. Michael took your son from her and held him tight for many minutes. He then handed him to you and you hugged your son with relief and tears.

The girl smiled at the he's rearming scene as Michael enveloped his family in his arms. She was about to walk away when Michael ran up to her, "you saved my sons life," he gushed at her, "how do I thank you?"

She shrugged, "you don't need to, we are even now."

"Even?" You asked, "how?"

She smiled at you, "your boyfriend saved my life with his music, I saved his sons with my running skills. We are even."

"Oh," you handed Dylan to Michael and hugged the girl tight, "thank you so much."

"No problem," she winked, "now go back to what you were doing Michael."

Michael's face reddened as the girl walked back to her spot in the crowd. "Do what?" You asked, still wiping tears that kept running down your face.

Your boyfriend shrugged, "I was planning something but," he wiped your tears, "I don't think now is a good time you're very shaken up."

"do it Michael!" The crowd screamed.

He smiled sheepishly and nodded at them. One by one each girl in the front row lifted up a page with a letter on it. Spelling "Will you marry me?"

You gasped and turned back to Michael who was now on one knee with a ring in his hands, "y/n you came and brought joy into my life. Then along came this little bundle of trouble he ushered to Dylan who just stared back in wonder at his father. "Will you please, unite us once and for all by marrying me?"

Your tears turned from terrified ones to happy ones, "yes Michael finally about time!"

He laughed happily and put the ring on your finger n your finger before jumping up and kissing you passionately as everyone in the crowd erupted into cheers.

"Dylan your mum and I are getting married!"

Your son smiled weakly at the two of you before yawning, "night night." He hummed before resting on your shoulder and closing his eyes.

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