Every Bomb Has a Timer

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By: whats-a-michaelclifford

Every Bomb Has a Timer - Michael

Four days since Michael has been back from the nearly six month long tour and all he has done is play video games. Okay, you guys hardcore had sex the first night he was home but after that, nothing. He seems like he hardly has time for you and it's driving you up the wall. Normally him playing video games wouldn't be an issue but when he has hardly moved from the couch or touched you it was a bit irritating.

It was 10pm and you were just leaving work when a text phone Michael lights up your phone. Very hopeful he was going to apologize or say something nice you hurried up and opened it. You frown at your phone as you now read it, Going out with the boys for a bit. Won't be too long. Love you. "Asshole!", you yell at your phone. Getting in your car you drive home and plan on a few choice words to say to Michael. You've been calm for days now but every bomb has a timer.

It wasn't until quarter past one in the morning that Michael tip toes through the front door and softly shuts it behind him. He freezes when he sees you sitting on the couch, "Oh, hey babe". You don't move from your current position of folded arms and crossed legs. He walks up to you, "Hey, I thought you'd be in bed by now".

You finally look up at him, "Why? So you can play games till four in the morning, sleep till noon, and play games all day again?" All the pent up anger was pouring out of you and you can tell it had an affect as Michael's eyes widened at the outburst.

"I-I'm sorry?", he stumbles out with a questioning tone.

"You sure? Because you have been home for four days and you have touched that controller more than you have touched me. You have given that T.V. more attention than you have given me. And you have spoken strangers more than you have spoken to me. So think, are you really sorry or just saying that?!" You can't believe you were actually saying this.

His stunned fear turned into anger. "Well fuck, Y/N! Sorry I want to relax. Sorry I want to be able to sit and not have to do anything. I've been on tour non stop!"

You stand to speak to him now. "You want to relax? Fine! And you don't think I know you've been touring non-stop? I was constantly reminded every time I woke up to an empty bed and house! You want to sit and do nothing but you still have time to go get drunk with your band?! You have seen them EVERY SINGLE DAY! You haven't seen me in months!" Tears threaten to spill but you angrily wipe them away.

"Don't pull that shit! And so what?! When did you become so damn needy? Jesus, Y/N, all I want is a couple days to relax".

You're composure slacks as his words hit you and you don't feel more hurt than anger now. "You think I'm needy?"

He runs his hands over his face, "Babe. I didn't mean th-"

"No!", you stop him, "I'm too needy. I don't want you to apologize because you think I need it. And you can sleep on the couch tonight because I don't fucking need you". You storm down the hall to the bedroom leaving his pillows and a blanket in the hall before slamming the door shut.

You could hear him shuffle around outside the door and then fall silent. You quickly fall asleep from exhaustion with tears staining your pillow. Almost two hours later you wake up needing water. Quietly and carefully you get out of bed and walk to the door. Opening it quietly you go to exit and instead trip over something, or rather someone. "Fuck", you whispers and Michael groans in pain. "Mikey are you okay?"

"I think I'll live", he holds on to his side.

"What the hell are you doing sleeping on the floor?", you sit against the wall opposite to Michael and rub your knee.

"The couch was too far away but you didn't want me in bed", he sits up, "and I still wanted to be close to you".

You run yours hands through your hair, "Just come to bed in our bed".

"Do you want me to? 'Cause I can still sleep on the floor. It really isn't-"

"I miss you", you whisper sadly as you interrupt him.

He crawls over to sit directly in front of you, legs resting on either side of you. "I miss you too. I do, so much".

You meet his eyes looking for some reassurance, "Then why didn't you act like it?"

"I honestly don't have any real reason. I'm just so use to you not being with me all the time that I just forget that you're actually here and not me just wishing you were with me. Fuck, I messed up. I'm so sorry".

You stand up and reach your hand down to help him stand up. As soon as he's standing you envelop him in a tight hug and he quickly tucks his head in to the crook of your neck while tightly wrapping his arms around you. You stay like this for almost 10 minutes, just holding each other silently.

You break the silence, "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have freaked out so badly".

"Let's just both agree we went too far with this alright? I just love you so much".

Loosening your grip you tip toe up and softly connect your lips to his. Pulling back and setting on your feet you smile at him. "I love you. C'mon let's sleep and not wake up till at least one tomorrow".

"Sounds wonderful", he quickly pecks your lips once more before you both head to bed.

I'm in the land of the free, and the home of the brave (America) for those who couldn't guess. I had to fly 18 hours to get here but it's been nice, I went and saw the movie MAX today it was good and also went to hot topic (but didn't buy anything) I'm staying with my friend so it's nice :)))) also took public transport today (scary) this man on the bus and his wife started yelling at the bus driver. (Cops got
Involved) anyways ...you guys probably don't care ...hahah

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