You suck

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You suck

by: 5-seconds-of-solitude

Abigail Breslin. What an idiot. Who in their right mind would think that writing a song insulting a world famous band member with a large following would be a good idea? It actually takes you a while to find out about it, only after a lot of people tweeting you the link you to finally hear it and let's just say you aren't best pleased.

"What's wrong?" Michael asks, seeing you pacing around angrily with your phone.

"That damn Breslin chick and that damn song," you hiss.

"Oh you heard that? It's funny, isn't it?" he chuckles.

"It's not funny, no one should be able insult you like that it's just damn rude," you say. "And I'm going to give her a piece of my mind"

You open up twitter but Michael snatches the phone from you, "I don't think you want to do that"

"Oh yes I do," you say.

"Fine but don't make it direct, you'll only get a shit load of hate for that," he says.

"I don't see how you're so calm I'd be going crazy, she can't get away with doing something like this," you say.

"It's funny, I don't care what she thinks about any of the things she listed," he says.

"I do, I love your tattoos," you say stepping closer and tracing your fingers over your arms, "And your hair," your comb your fingers through his hair, "And your scar," you touch the small scar, "And personally, and you can't tell the others I said this... but you're the hottest in the band"

"Well that's all that matters then," he pecks your lips. "Personally I think as long as someone like you likes me I must be doing something right"

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