Mr. Badass, Don't Be Shy

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Michael Clifford Imagine → Mr. Badass, Don't Be Shy

Pairing: Michael x Reader

It's the first day of school after the summer break. I was quite happy that the break is over, I'm not saying I didn't enjoy my free time, but I actually liked school. I'm a fairly good student and I actually like going there, yes, I admit I'm kind of a nerd. But I didn't care. And I don't care what people think of me, I want a good future and that's only possible with good grades.

I had math first, my favorite. I was sitting in the front row, my best friend next to me. We were just talking about how we wanted to spend the weekend when our teacher, Mr. Schwarz came in. He walked over to his desk and placed his bag on it. "Hello students. How was you break? I hope you all had a nice time."

The first few minutes we talked about our summer, what we did and where we went, before Mr. Schwarz checked who was present and who was not. "Mr. Clifford? No? Has anyone seen him?" Most of the class just shook their heads. "As usual." Mr. Schwarz frowned. "Anyway, moving on.." He checked the rest of the class before he started his lesson.

Half an hour before the class ended, the door opened and a tall dark haired boy walked in. "Mr. Clifford, nice to see you again. Why are you late?" Mr. Schwarz asked politely. "Ask your wife." Michael snapped and put hands in his pockets. "Well, I guess I see you later in detention. Sit down." Mr. Schwarz said, still politely.

Michael rolled his eyes and walked over to his place, letting his bag fall down on the floor with a loud thud. I couldn't help but peek over to him. He's changed quite a lot since I last saw him. He died his hair dark, almost black, he had a piercing on his brow now and quite a lot new tattoos on his arms.

I never really talked to him, a few words only but that's it. I was quite the nerd and shy and he was, well, he was really popular and a real bad boy. You know, the kind your parents always warned you about.

Despite the fact that I never really talked to Michael, I wanted to. I really wanted to get to know him, but he probably wouldn't even like me since I'm the exact opposite of him. All of a sudden Michael looked up from his desk and his eyes met mine. For seconds we just looked at each other, he started smiling and shot me a little wink.

I quickly looked away, my cheeks getting red. I bit my lip from smiling too wide. I don't know why this made me so happy but I just couldn't stop smiling.

The day went by pretty fast. it was lunch time now and me and my friend were in our way to the cafeteria. I looked down on my phone to check the time when someone walked into me, making me fall on my bum. "Ouch" I whined, rubbing my back. "Fuck, watch were you're g- oh (Y/N) I'm sorry. I -I didn't see you there." Michael stuttered and and stretched out his hand for me to help me get up. It's weird I never heard him stutter before. "It's okay." I mumbled, grabbing his hand. "No really I'm sorry. Are you uh are you okay?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

His friends, who were standing behind him, looked at him weird. They're probably not used to talk to people like me. "Dude who cares. Let's go." One of the boys said annoyed, putting a hand on Michaels shoulder, trying to pull him away from us. "I'm coming when I'm done. Shut the fuck up." He snapped and shrugged the hand away. "Uhm well I'm okay." I just said and grabbed my friends hand, quickly walked away from Michael and his friends. I clearly didn't want to get off the wrong foot with these guys.

"What the hell was that?" My friend asked as we entered the cafeteria. "I don't know." I shrugged, trying not to freak out inside. "I didn't know Mr. Badass could be nice." My friend laughed and put an apple on her plate. "Well, maybe he's not even that bad. Maybe he's actually nice." I looked over to the cafeteria door, where Michael and his friends just walked in.

I couldn't stop looking at him, he was wearing tight back jeans, a black shirt, and boots. His hair was ruffled and his jeans ripped, his tattoos perfectly visible. God I really wanted to ruffle through that hair. I bit my lip and a blush crept on my cheeks again. I shouldn't be thinking of something like that, but I couldn't stop. Luckily I got torn out if my thoughts when I heard my friend calling out my name.

"Jeez, (Y/N) are you even listening to me?" She asked annoyed. "What sorry. I wasn't - uh I just...sorry." I mumbled. "Whatever," she sighed, "I just told you that I can't drive you home today. My mom wants me to be early today, my grandma is visiting." She explained and took a bite from her apple. "It's fine. I just walk." I smiled.

The last period ended and I was at my locker putting my books in it. "Alright so, I see you tomorrow. Love you." My friend said and hugged me tight. "Love you too. Have fun with your family." I smiled and broke the hug, letting her leave.

I walked out the back door of the school, since it was a big shortcut for me. It was usually the place where all the students came when they needed a smoke. Cigarette or anything else, didn't matter. I usually don't like going this way but since school was over, practically no one was here.

I walked around a corner when I suddenly head a dark voice calling out my name, "Didn't know you smoked." I flinched and quickly turned around. "Oh my god, you scared me!" I told Michael who was leaning against the wall, one hand in his pockets the other one holding a cigarette. "Didn't mean to." He smirked. "It's okay, and uh I don't..I don't smoke." I shyly said and looked on the ground. "I thought so." He laughed. "Anyway, sorry about earlier. My friend's a dick."

"It's fine. Anyway, I better go." I mumbled and turned around to walk away. "Wait!" He shouted holding me by my wrist. "Uhm I wanted to ask you something." He said, letting go of my arm. My heart started beating faster, what would he probably want from me? "What is it?" I asked as casual as I could.

Michael scratched the back of his head again, seems like he does that when he's nervous. "I don't know if you want to, maybe you already have plans or anything, I don't know uhm.." His hand now ruffled through his hair, "Do you, uh doyouwannagooutwithme?" He mumbled. I didn't really understand what he was saying since his hand kinda covered his face while he was taking.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked, furrowing my brows. Michael clenched his jaw and took a deep breath before speaking, "(Y/N) would you like to go out with me?" He quickly said, putting his hands in his pockets again, I could have sworn he started blushing. I bit my lip from screaming out. He wanted to go out with me. Me. Of all people. "I - I understand if you don't want to." He said and fake smiled.

"No, no, I'd love to go out with you." I smiled. "Really?" Michael asked, his face lit up with excitement. I just nodded and smiled widely. "Great." he smiled, "Should I maybe take you home? I noticed you only go this way when you have to walk home." He said and sweetly smiled. "Uh yeah that'd be nice."

"Or maybe we could go out for some ice cream or something now? I-If you want." He said, throwing his cigarette way. "Ice cream sound great." I giggled and walked with Michael to his car. "Wait a sec, shouldn't you be at detention?" I asked laughing. "Let's just pretend I don't." Michael said and shot me a wink smiling.

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