Next door neighbour Mikey

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By: irwinofficial

Next door neighbour Michael Clifford being friends with you for 6 years and lowkey being in love with you so one night you call him up on the verge of tears after a really bad day, and he says "meet me outside in 10, climb out the window like I showed you." And so you sneak out with Michael at 2 in the morning, and he's got his leather jacket over your shoulders as you two get McDonald's in the drive through before driving out to the middle of nowhere. And when you get out, you sit on the hood of his car with him and watch the stars as you talk about high school and your futures when you leave, and he mumbles "wherever you go, that's where I wanna be." And you kind of laugh and give him a playful push as you offer him some of your fries, but as the night drags on, you end up leaning into him and getting a little more personal, telling him every flaw you see in your family and yourself. After a while of this, Michael hops off the car and leans in his window, switching in a mixtape with your name on the CD. And the first song that plays is a love song you used to joke about with him, saying you'd like to dance to it at your wedding someday. And Michael says "I'm not husband material, but I figure you should dance to this at least once before high school ends." So for the next few minutes, you've got your hands wrapped around his neck and his arms are around your waist, and he's babbling about something stupid to try and cheer you up. But the way he looks in the light, the way his voice contrasts the love song covered in the CD player's static, it's all so perfect and you act on complete impulse, leaning up to kiss him mid-sentence. And Michael's heart is pounding and his cheeks are bright red, and for a split second he's worried that he won't see you when high school ends. But wherever you go, is where he wants to be. He'll find a way.

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