You meet at Warped through Jack Barakat

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You meet at Warped through Jack Barakat

By: iwritestuffabout5sos

„You ready?"; Jack asked as you were about to go on stage. „I've been born ready!", you laughed and got onto the stage, together with your three bandmates and you all were immediately greeted by screaming fans. 

As you got off stage, you grabbed a towel and wiped off some sweat off of your forehead and looked for Jack. You found him standing next to a tall, lilac-haired boy. „Did you even watch my show?", you asked Jack as you walked up to him. He turned around: „Of course I did, you were great as always!" „Oh shut it.", you laughed. „By the way, this is Michael.", Jack pointed at the tall boy. „Michael, this is Y/N, I live with her." „I can't believe you never told me about her.", he said, obviously checking you out. „God.", you rolled your eyes. „Imma go."

You walked over to Alex and started talking to him. „I liked your show.", he told you. „Well, thank you, I liked yours too." „We didn't even perform yet." „Oops.", you giggled, making you both laugh. „Whatcha laughing at?", you heard a voice behind you say. „Hey Mike.", Alex greeted and you turned around. „Nothing.", you said. „Didn't sound like that." „Don't you have something to do? Like going on stage?" „Oh right.", he said and ran off. „What was that?", Alex asked, grinning at you. „I don't know, but Imma go and see if he's good.", you got to the side of the stage and watched him perform with his band. He wasn't bad, really good actually. And god, he looked hot playing the guitar. 

„You liked it?", Michael asked, grinning as he ruffled through his hair, damp from the sweat. „It was alright.", you told him. „Oh, come on. I know it was great." You shrugged: „I'll have to use the bathroom, bye.", you quickly walked off.

You opened the door, to leave the bathroom and as you looked to your right, you saw Michael standing there. „You waiting for someone?" „Actually, you." You laughed and wanted to walk away again, but he grabbed your arm and you turned around: „What?" „I'd like to talk a bit, if you don't mind?" You sighed. „Why not." 

You both set down on a small couch and looked at each other. „So what do you wanna talk about?" „You." „What?" „Yes. Tell me about yourself." „My name's Y/N, I play guitar in a band, I live with Jack Barakat and sometimes, when I am home alone, I order pizza and ask the deliverer if he wants to eat it together with me but he always says no. I'm asking anyway though." „You really do that?" „What? Play in a band?" „No, the pizza thing." „Of course! Do you know how lonely I feel when Jack's not home? But sometimes I am glad if he says no, because that means I can eat the pizza all by myself." „You are ... kinda weird." „I like to call it special.", you grinned. „I like weird. Or special, whatever." You smiled at him. He was kinda cute, you had to admit that. „How about we get something to drink?", you suggested. „I'd love to."

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