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By: 5secondsofanfiction

You were staying in a hotel room just for the weekend because your apartment was being repainted. You wanted to relax as much as you could, so you put your phone volume as loud as you could and started dancing around the room while eating room serviced breakfast. Because it was quite hot inside the room, you opened the balcony door to let some breeze in. Suddenly you heard a ruckus from the next door balcony.

"Hi! I love your choice of music," a head appeared on your side of the balcony. Your jaw dropped when you realized Luke freaking Hemmings was talking to you. Before you could say anything though, his eyes widened and he screamed:


His leg was over your balcony fence before you could blink. He stumbled into your room, a big grin plastered on his face.

"Hi," you finally managed to mumble as he sat down into a chair next to your coffee table.

"LUCAS WHERE ARE YOU?" Michael screamed from their balcony and Luke ran to get him.

"This lovely girl is listening to our songs and eating breakfast. You should join us," he said eagerly pulling Michael's arm.

Michael was halfway over the fence when Ashton came storming out of their room: "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he asked Michael. "Oh wait! Let me film this!" he giggled as Michael swayed on the fence trying to explain the situation. After they were done filming, giggling and climbing over the fence they all settled down around your coffee table and started asking you A LOT of questions.

"What's your name? How are you? Do you go to college? Where are you from?" etc. Through all this Luke was secretly picking at your breakfast. When Michael caught him, he smacked his hand away, outraged.

"Luke! You can't just eat poor girl's breakfast!"

"What? She told me she was full, okay!" he mumbled his mouth full of scrambled eggs. Your room door suddenly burst open. Calum, only in his boxers, was standing there and you had to hold your chair tight to keep your head from spinning.

"Ash, we need to go to the studio..." he said, and when his eyes rested on you he added: "Hi, I'm Calum." He waved goodbye and disappeared as quickly as he appeared.

"Oh well guess I have to go," Ash said disappointedly, walking out the door.

"Luke, I think you need to go too," Michael said wagging his eyebrows at him.

"Noo, Calum only said Ash," he barely managed to say, his mouth too full to speak.

"Yeah, but they need a supervisor you know how they can get," Michael said gesturing with his hands.

"Yeah you're right," Luke replied, trying to wink at Michael secretly, but you saw it anyway. He stood up, grabbed a few scones and left the scene.

"Oh look we are alone," Michael feigned surprise, winking.

You nodded, kind of blown away by everything that was happening. You couldn't believe the whole 5SOS was in your room. And now you were even alone with Michael, your favourite 5sos member!

You watched him get up and jump onto your bed. He motioned for you to join him and you reluctantly edged nearer, as you were afraid of doing something that would scare him away.

"So who's your favourite 5sos member?" Michael blurted out, while jumping on your bed.

You blushed, looked away and mumbled: "You."

"Really? Well that's funny, because you are my favourite fan." When he caught your shocked glance, he added: "That was lame, wasn't it? Sorry...I'm not really used to talking to hot girls alone..." He offered you his hand and helped you climb up the bed.

"So what do you usually do? Team up with one of the lads and pick up random girls?" you teased him, pushing him gently so he stumbled and fell down on his butt.

"Oh yeah, we own the scene. Like Barney in How I Met Your Mother..." he replied sarcastically, tackling you so you fell down next to him.

"I can see that," you grinned, a sparkle in your eyes. Your legs were tangled with his, his head only inches away from yours.

You looked into his green eyes and bit down on your lip. Your heart was beating like a drum and your hands were shaking. He took hold of them then, covering both with one of his.

"Hey, I love the colour of your eyes... And your lips... And your cheeks," he whispered, his hot breath tickling your lips.

His face stated to slowly inch forward, his eyelids falling down in slow-motion. You took a deep breath and let his lips sweep you off your feet.

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