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Michael: Home

By: 5secondsofsummerimagine

it had been a really long day. When you finally get home you just want to lock yourself in your room, call Michael, and wallow in your own self pity for the rest of the night. You go to the bathroom and wash your face before you open your bedroom door to find your bed was already occupied by a smirking ausie. After you realize you weren't hallucinating a Cheshire grin hastily finds your face as you run and jump onto the same bed as Michael, and nearly directly onto Michael himself. You go for his lips immediately barely pulling away to ask "What?" kiss. "when did you get" kiss "here?" kiss."How long are you here?" kiss. It was hard enough to maintain the kisses with you smile plastered on your face, so when Michael started to laugh, the whole thing fell apart. "What's so funny?" you ask, having fallen into a fit of laughter yourself. "Y/n! I can't answer you if you keep kissing me." He said through his laugh. "Oh. Right." you say as a bit of a surrender, but then give him another peck. "I have a break from tour. I have a whole week here with you, and then I'm going to spend a week at home." You spend the rest of your day cuddling and talking about everything that happened while he was on tour for the both of you, and when you've finished with that you move on to everything from your fear of applying to universities in the coming months to a debate over the best FTSK song until you fall asleep next to each other.

Michael Clifford ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now