English Love Affair

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English Love Affair

By: i-just-write

"Honey, why are you so nervous?" Your mum asked you at breakfast.

"Maybe because I'm on the other side of the world, and this my first day

of school" You sighed eating your pancakes.

"Just, try make some friends" Your mum said hopefully.

You had a bad reputation when you lived in England. You had sex with

some guy and everyone found out, made up rumours and called you

names. Your parents moved to Australia to get away from it all, even

though they could have moved somewhere closer to home.

You hated the fact your parents took you out of school, even though

you didn't have many 'true' friends, you still liked the school you were in.

"I don't make friends" You said picking up your bag and walking out the


You knew you should stop being so mean to your parents, but it was


You caught the bus just in time. You sat near the back hoping no one

would sit next to you.

Once you arrived at your new school, you cursed under your breath.

"Fucking parents making me go to this trash-"

"Excuse me?" A lady asked walking by.

She was dressed like a teacher, and certainly looked like one.

"Sorry" You mumbled, "Could you direct me to the office please? I'm

new here" You tell her.

"Sure, in through the main door up there," She said pointing to the main

entrance, "turn down the first corridor to the right, and it is your first

door on the left" She said, smiling.

"Thank you"

You walked through the main doors, as she told you, and down the first

corridor to the right, as she told you and made your way to the office.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"Um this is my first day here and I don't really know where I'm going"

"What's your name?" She asked pushing her glasses up her nose.

"Y/f/n" You told her.

There was another guy, the same age as you behind her, getting told

off because his hair was a bright purple colour.

"You know the rules Michael!" The man shouted.

You couldn't help listen in to the conversation.

"Y/n?" The receptionist asked.

"Yeah?" You replied.

"Here is your timetable, and the code to your locker" She said handing

you a few sheets of paper.

"Where is my locker?" You asked sharply.

"Watch you tone. Number 127, down in the locker area. You should be

able to find it okay, I've given you a map of the school" She said.

You nodded and walked away, "You're welcome!" she shouted after


The only reason you didn't say 'thank you' was because you thought

she was being a bitch.

You walked around the school until you found your locker. It was in an

okay place, well you thought anyway. You never had a locker at your

previous school.

"Hey there. I saw you earlier when I was in the office-" The purple haired

guy said, who now had grey beanie over his head.

"You're Michael right?" You asked him.

"Yeah, and you're y/n?"

"Yep" You nodded opening your locker.

"You seem... naughty" he smiled looking you up and down.

"Maybe I am" You winked.

"You know you're pretty hot"

"Okay" You laughed, "I'm going to go now" You said walking away.

"Let me walk you to class"

"I don't fucking need you to walk me to class. I'm big enough to walk to

my fucking class myself" You said walking away.

He laughed and turned in the opposite direction.

You walked to your first class, and accidently slammed the door as you

walked in.

"Please re-enter my classroom properly" The teacher said, looking at

you sternly.

"Fuck sake" You mumbled walking out of the classroom again.

"Language missus!" She shouted after you.

'Fuck this' you thought to yourself, you didn't return to the class, instead

you went to the bathroom and sat there until first period was over.

You returned to your locker and opened it, throwing your stuff inside.

"Hey" Michael said, approaching you.

"Fuck off mate"

"You entered the classroom very well" He smiled.

You rolled your eyes but continued to listen to him anyway.

"You know, I like bad girls" He continued "And before you respond. I'd

like to ask you out on a date" He smiled.

"Eh I don't know" You said, you weren't very keen on dates.

"There's a party... tonight," He handed you a leaflet with the address,

"Meet me there at 7"

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