All Theses Little Things

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"Sorry babe. Rehearsals" Michael rushes out of the room and you are left behind, alone, again.


"Girly? You here?"

"Yeah" you turn around on the bed, so you are facing the door.

"You want to come and have lunch with us?" Ashton asks.

You immediately jump up: "Yes pleas, I've been stuck in this room, alone the entire morning"

You and Ashton walk out of your room: "See I asked Michael but he was all no she's fine"

"I swear that guy does not care about me how I care about him. He would just have left me in that room the entire day"

"He does care about you, but you probably would have been in that room all day" Ashton giggles. "We got Chinese, hope you're in the mood"

"I love Chinese and I love that you guys are rehearsing in the hotel"

"Easy right!? But we are going to the venue later" you walk into the rehearsal space. "Look who I brought" Three pairs of eyes look at you. "She did want to come"

"You didn't even bother to ask me Clifford"

"What! I thought you were fine up there"

"I was not. I was totally bored" Michael shrugs and you take a seat next to Calum.

"I'm happy that you are here" You put your head on Calum's shoulder.

"Thanks Cal, you're such a sweetie"

"I try"

You laugh: "You are doing a good job, better than my boyfriend over there" you glare at Michael, who is eating and not paying attention at you.

You eat and chat with the boys, only Michael is not giving you a lot of attention.

"I think we should start again" Luke stands up and walks to his guitar.

"I'll leave you guys"

"You're coming to the show right?"

You look from Ashton to Michael: "Are you coming to get me when you leave?"

"I'll sent Ash up to get you, I'm not walking up and then back down when I'm already down just to get you"

"Wow, you would really do anything for me" sarcasm dripping from your voice.

"You know it baby" he walks to his guitar and starts playing. You turn around and walk back to your room, to spend your afternoon alone, again.


You look at your phone, you got a text from Michael: 'We are leaving' No sweet words, no kiss, nothing. You quickly make your way down and you find the boys in the back of the lobby. "You were seriously too lazy to come upstairs?"

"Yeah and Ashton didn't want to do it, he said I needed to do it myself" Michael looks up from his phone.

"You should have done it. You didn't even have to walk the much, there are elevators"

"Texting was easier" he looks back down at his phone.

"Mike?" You move closer to him. "Do you love me?"


"Car's here!" Luke yells and Michael imedaitly starts moving and just walks past you, not looking at you, not waiting for you and not holding you a place in the car.


You are standing next to the stage, watching the boys perform. You feel unneeded and unnecessary. The whole time before the show, you just sat in the dressing room, Michael didn't say two words to you. Even before he went on stage, he didn't say anything to you. They are doing their last song, but you are already on your way out, not waiting for them to finish, not waiting for their encore. You take a cab back to your hotel, take a hot shower, get into your cosy pyjama's and into bed. As you turn on the TV, you hear Michael come in.

"Where did you go?"

"Here" you don't look at Michael.

"No shit. Why did you leave?"


"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Why? Was that necessary?"

"Of course! I was a bit worried"

"Where you?" you look at Micheal.

"Yeah and I missed you. You weren't there when I got of stage, you are always there" Michaels sits down on the bed, right in front of you. "What is wrong? Why did you leave?"

"I feel like you don't care about me"


"Think how you act. You leave me alone all day, you ignore me. Why am I even here?"

"Because I love you."

"Well love is not everything"

"Maybe not, but I do care about you, so much. You have no idea how much. Every time I see you standing next to that stage, jumping to the music mouthing the lyrics, my heart flutters" he takes your hands in his.

"You just like me being there, like your own groupie"

"No it's more. I love it when you are trying not to laugh that you almost get little dimples. And I love it how I can tell by the colour of your eyes how you are feeling. Or when we play videogames, you get so nervous and all worked up, but when it's a racing game you always follow the traffic rules and you genuinely feel bad when you hit someone.  And whenever you make a sexual innuendo, you always pull the most innocent face and then you just say 'What?', but your voice is so high pitched then. Or when you are thinking, you make is cute face. And when you are applying eyeliner you stick your tongue out" You smile and intertwine your finger with Michaels. "You know what I love too, when you are excited you wiggle your butt sometimes. You are just so freaking adorable"

"I love you Mikey, I really do"

"I love you too (Y/N). And I'm sorry I made you feel that way. Just know and remember that I love you and all these little things that you do" You crash your lips on Michaels, pulling him down on you. 


im like three away from 1,000 votes, omg! please vote! :) thanks xx

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