Quit the band

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Quit the band

By: 5sauceimaginethat

I packed up the last box and placed it in my car. I locked up the door and put the key into an envelope with a letter and sealed it. I placed it in the post box so that when Michael got home from tour tonight, he would know exactly why I wasn't there. I had cried, hard, when I wrote the letter and I was crying hard now.


I am sorry that I have to do this to you and you have to know that it is truly one of the hardest decisions of my life. This is the key to your apartment. I took only what I either brought with me or what I bought while living here. I have a new place near my parents and it is okay for now. I had to leave because the hate from your fans is just too much. When it turned from me getting occasional comments on my outfits getting told to kill myself, I had to get out. Believe me when I say that I don't want to hurt you but I had to think of myself this time. I never wanted to burden you with this but it has gone too far and I can't seem to change it. I am so sorry Michael. I still love you, so much, but it has to be over. I can't pretend my heart will ever be whole again, but I need you to follow your dreams and continue to be you, never change and don't worry about me. I'm sorry, I love you.


When the post box was closed, I got into my car and drove away from my home towards the place I will be living. Nothing will ever be home again, not without Michael by my side but mentally, I am not able to accept the hate for what it is....Jealousy. After I arrive at the apartment and several trips were made from the car to my living room, I close the door and crumble. I slide down the door, the sobs I had been fighting had finally broken free and I could not stop them. That was at no. Darkness had covered the day before I finally rose from my spot and my body was stiff from not moving. Because my mouth was try from dehydration, I made my way to the kitchen to get a drink and I heard my phone go off. 


Just landed baby, be home soon. I love you.

He attached a picture of him on the plane. I sniffled and didn't answer. He had to find the letter. He would know then why I didn't answer. Five minutes later, my phone rang and after seeing his name pop up, I put the phone on vibrate. I wasn't going to be able to cry, even though I wanted to. My body was empty so I just sat on the chair and stared at the wall.



Are you okay baby? Why aren't you answering me?

I couldn't watch this all night. I hit the power button on my phone and left it on the table before making my way to the bedroom. I won't say I slept well but exhaustion knocked me out. I was woken suddenly  by a banging at my door. When I looked at my watch, it was 3am. I opened the door and a soaking wet Michael came barreling in. There was a flash of lightning which allowed me to see the bags under his eyes.

"Oh my God baby, you are alright" he sighed as he tried to hug me. I put my hands on his chest and gently pushed him away.

"Michael, please. You aren't meant to be here" I say quietly.

"I'm meant to be wherever you are" he cries.

"I have to think of me fore once" I tell him, wiping my eyes.

"I am thinking of you. I've thought it through and I'm here, I'm not going back. The boys can find a replacement for me and have him ready by the next gig" he rushes out.

"Absolutely not Michael Clifford!" I shouted. "I will not allow you to quit doing what you love."

"My choices are clear, I either do what I love or be with who I love. One day five sauce ill be a memory and if I can't share that memory with you, then there is no point" he argues. I sigh and put my hand on his cheek.

"You will find someone stronger then me to share that with" I tell him.

"That's bullshit and you know it" he replies. "Are you going to find someone to love you like I do?" He asks and I shake my head no. "Exactly, you told me in that letter to follow my dreams and be me. I have no dreams without you Y/N. I am not me unless you are by my side. If you told me about this issue, I would have fixed it."

"I couldn't burden you with that."

"Oh, but you can burden me with a letter that you left because some chick - by the way, if she said it, she isn't a real fan - told you to kill yourself?" he asked, slightly angry.

"It seemed like the best choice" I mumbled. Michael took my hand and lead me to the living room.

"Get your computer, let me show you what the real fans think of you" he smiled. I pulled my computer out and logged in. Michael went to his twitter and showed me the tweet he posted about me leaving and the responses of the fans. I cried when I saw that they were genuinely upset and then he clicked on a ink. The background music was 5SOS and it scrolled through pictures (the description said 727 pictures) of fans, all holding signs that simply said "we <3 you Y/N." When it was over and it got quiet, I heard Michael sniffle.

"Please come home baby" he took my hand in his.

"I can't believe I let one girl ruin this" I said.

"Come home and stay, that will prove that she only made us stronger." I shook my head yes and fell into his arms.

"Can we sleep here though? I'm so tired" I garbled, face in his neck.

"I'm soaking wet babe" he laughed. 

"I have some of your clothes here" I said sheepishly.

"Yeah, baby" he answered before picking me up bridal style an bringing me to the bedroom. 

"Hey Mikey?" I said quietly right before I fell asleep.

"Yes baby?" he answered.

"Can you make the boys bring my stuff back? Moving sucks."

"Yes baby, I can" he kissed my head as I drifted off.

I'm home again.

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