He gets protective (Michael and Ashton)

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He gets protective (Requested Mashton)

By: cheekymuke

Ashton: Ashton was always really protective of you anyway, you two really didn't have to worry about the fans mobbing you, and it was the paparazzi that would mob you. Just you not him whenever you two would leave the hotel the paparazzi would always swarm around you to where Ashton couldn't even get an arm around you to pull you away, he could barely get passed them to help you. Which just makes him angry that he can't help you but he never would say anything to them. Tonight as you walked out of the hotel Ashton's hand was tightly intertwined with yours as the cameras started flashing, people shoving camera's in your face. "Dude back up." Ashton spoke, helping you though the crowds of flashing lights. You bit at your lip when one camera got right in your face causing you to jump and Ashton to step in front of it. "Mate, back the fuck up, will you?" Ashton growled, "She doesn't need to be harassed by you every time we walk out of a place. Just back the fuck up for a second, yah?" He mumbled, shaking his head as he pulled you into the limo with the rest of the band. Ashton wrapped his arms around you when you settled down in the seat, sighing, trying to even your breathing from being bombarded by the paparazzi and trying to realize that Ashton told off one of them.

Michael:  The two of you were walking out of Starbucks alone; you didn't bring anybody with you as you were just going to bring back the drinks for the others. As soon as you two stepped out of Starbucks you were surrounded by fans that were pushing and shoving both of you. Michael's arm instantly found your waist. "Guys please stop pushing." Michael's voice was soft, he didn't want to be mean to them, but when they wouldn't move and continued to push Michael's voice got louder. Your face was lined with fear; you and him have never gotten mobbed like that. Or mobbed in general. "Please move back, pushing us doesn't get you anywhere! Stop!" He said, his voice was loud which caused a lot of the girls to stop moving and get a bit startled, but the ones closer to him continued to beg for pictures or follows on twitter. Michael's grip got tighter on you and he stiffened, trying to push you through the fans and to the car. "Fuck." He growled as he opened the door and slipped into the car and you followed close behind, slamming the door shut, watching all the fans scream. "I hate when we get mobbed just by going to Starbucks...I never get used to this."He mumbled as he drove off. "I love them so much, I really do, but getting mobbed it the scariest thing ever and seeing the horror on your face just...It set something off." He took your hand and sighed a bit. "I know, baby, but it's probably already on twitter about how you blew up at fans..." You sighed, squeezing his hand softly, taking a sip of your Starbucks just as you got a phone call from Ashton. "Hey are you guys alright?" His voice was etched with concern. "Yeah, we're fine; we're on the way back to the hotel now. We'll explain everything when we get there..." You sighed softly. "We all saw it on twitter and kind of freaked out, thinking something happened to you, but just tell us when you get here. Bye." Ashton hung up and you looked over at Michael who just seemed like he was kind of stressed out about this. You quickly leaned over and pecked his cheek causing him to smile and roll his eyes at you. "I love you." He said softly. 

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