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By: 5sosblurbsandshiz

It's been three days since your argument. The longest three days of your life. To be honest, you can't even remember why you two fought in the first place. It was stupid, really.
"Do I just not matter to you anymore?" Michael had yelled, throwing his hands around in disarray.
"Michael, what the hell are you talking about? How is this my fault?!" You fired back just as loud.
"You're the one that's been so fucking distant and I'll I've been trying to do is spend time with you but you don't care!" He yelled with so much anger and sadness that the vein in his neck stood out.
"Spend time with me? You've barely been around for the past few weeks what else am I supposed to do?!"
You both stared at each other for a few seconds before he grabbed a jacket and made a b-line for the front door.
"Fuck this." You heard him angrily say under his breath before he slammed the door shut behind him.
You can't help but let the tears fall as soon as his gone. You've never been able to handle being yelled at and this certainly hurt.
Now you sit on the end of your bed at 1:44am running your hands through your hair repeatedly to get rid of the overwhelming feeling of heartache.
You have thought multiple times to try and talk to Michael but as soon as you gained the courage to do so, the look on his face just made you want to stop existing.
You crawl back under the covers of your large bed, that feel even emptier without Mike next to you. You think back over the events of the past few days, from your argument to your worthless attempts of trying to sort things out. Beginning to think it would never get back to normal, tears fall from your eyes and onto your pillow.
Through your tireless attempt of staying quite, sobs break through and you can't help but let all the emotions from the situation come out.
The feeling of arms wrapping around you bring you back down to earth and you're surprised to see Mike with a frown on his face.
"Go away." You pathetically say shielding your face from him.
"No, babe, listen." He sits up pulls you up with him. "I'm so sorry, okay? I fucked up so bad. I never ever meant for you to get upset and I know I should of said this right after it happened versus now but I'm a fucking idiot and don't know what I'm doing half of the time. I shouldn't have said anything. I overreacted and I shouldn't have been so selfish."
You turn to face him and pull his hand into your lap, playing with his wristbands. Looking up into his eyes you see them water but he refuses to let the tears fall.
"I'm sorry for being so distant. It's just, your tour is coming up soon and I know you need to focus on rehearsals so I thought it would be better if I was just out of your way." You shrug with an unconvincing smile.
"Babe, you're never in my way. If I knew it was about the tour then I wouldn't have blown up at you." He move his hand under your chin to bring your eyes to his.
"You're gonna be gone for 8 months."
"It'll be okay, I promise. You can fly to see us and I'll fly home during breaks to see you. Don't worry so much okay?" He kisses your forehead and you can't help but smile from the reassurance he gave you.
You both get back under the covers, cuddling like you usually would. Mike on his back with your head on the top of his chest and his arm around you. You missed this.

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