Broken Cutie

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By: justanotherdumbbandimagineblog

"Broken cutie" (Michael Clifford Imagine)
"Anonymous said: Can you do a michael imagine where you break a bone and he's got to take care of you.. and you get kinda annoying. And he gets pissed because your making him do everything. And you apologize.... and CUDDLES, BLAH BLAH FLUFFIES."

"Miiiikey I wanna go upstairs!" "You just came from upstairs! You just had me bring you down!" "Yeah but I wanna lay in bed," He sighs, "Alright, come on." He picks me up and he carries me like I'm a child and walks upstairs and stops at the head of the stairs, "Where to?" "Wait did you bring my food?" " didnt say anything about wanting me just forget it." I lean against the wall and wait for him as he goes back downstairs and comes back upstairs with my food and he kisses my head, smiling tightly, "Alright, happy?" "Very very." He hugs me tight, picking me up, "So...picking you up is making my arms tired, can you walk to the bedroom?" "Meeeeeehhhh it huurts!" "Oh alright, I've got you baby girl."

Michael puts me down in bed, tucking me in and I sit up, sort of ruining the tuck in and he sighs, "Babe, lay down, you need to nap, rest is good." "But I want my cast out of the blankets." Michael sighs, trying to maintain a smile, "Okay babe...we can fix it." He pulls the blankets up far and then pulls my boot out of the blankets and smiles at me, "There, is that good enough?" "I guess." His smile falters and I whine, "Miiiichaeeeel my foood!" "Jesus, here!" He throws it, "Now can you just go to bed?" I gasp, "Mi-" "I'm so done with having to carry you and be your little servant, baby I love you but-" "Wow...I didnt know I bothered you that much!" "You dont bother me its just so fuckin-" I sigh, "Michael...I'm sorry." He stops and he sighs, "I know you are." "I just never...never knew how hard having a cast was." "I know, I cant even imagine how hard it is." "Please gimme snuggles," "Before we do..." "Michael I'm sorry." He grins, "Aw babe." "Now cuddle me." I pull him down and I hug him extremely tightly as he lays down.

Michael and I cuddle and he holds my face and my legs are tangled with his awkwardly because of my cast. He pushes hair away from my face, "I like your cast." "Oh shut up." "You smell pretty." "You look pretty." "You are pretty." I laugh a little and he pecks my nose, "I adore you." "Even when I'm whiny and obnoxious?" "Especially when you're whiny and obnoxious." I grin widely and I kiss him, his arms around me as he laughs between our kisses.

Michael Clifford ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now