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He sat here for hours, the news still processing in his head. This couldn't be true... How he wished this wasn't true yet a part of his body knew this was the truth and there was nothing left he could do but to mourn. And mourning he was as he gestured for another beer not caring anymore about the promise he made, the promise he made that he would stop drinking. No, he needed it now and no one was going to take this away from him. "Is this a good idea, FP?"Hog Eye asked, looking worried at the Serpent who shrugged his shoulders. "Drinking myself to oblvious is always a good idea."He muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

His best friend...His best friend was dead. And here he sat, not fucking knowing what to do except for drinking. Fred Andrews, his mate... Because of... No, he couldn't think about it. He couldn't get the image out of his head, of his best friend getting hit by a car and losing his life just like that. Just like that... All the things he still wanted to say to him, haunted him. How he wanted to share a beer with his best friend. How he wanted to go to his house, ring the bell and hug him. But he knew, Fred wouldn't open the door. His son would open the door and he couldn't bare to see Archie at the moment. He looked so much like his father. It would hurt so fucking much to just see the boy and imagine it was his friend back in the days. "Do I need to call someone?"Hog Eye asked, earning a glare. "Give me a bloody drink or I'll find another bar to drink myself to oblivious!"He hissed, slamming on the bar with his fist not minding the pain that went through it. He needed this... To forget. To just simply forget that this happened. Even whent he next day, the pain for this loss would hit him double. Maybe tomorrow he could deal with it better. But not today. Today he needed to forget this. 

He didn't even hear how the doors of the bar opened till he felt a presence behind him. Was it his son who came looking for his old man? Or was it another serpent who wanted a drink? But why on earth would they be standing behind him. The thoughts stopped as he felt a tap on his shoulder as he slowly turned around, surprise visible on his face when he saw who stood there. "FP."She whispered, a sad smile on her lips as she spred her arms. And that was what he needed now as he just hugged her tightly. Tears finally leaving his eyes as she just stroked his back trying to comfort him. "He's gone, Ali."He whispered as his head rested against her chest, feeling how she hugged him tighter at that. "He will never leave us, Jonesy."She whispered back, placing a kiss in his hair. "He'll look after us from above there."She muttered as he listened to her heartbeat, trying to calm himself down by that soothing sound. What was she even doing here? Not that he minded it. He really needed her on this moment and she somehow knew. Well...She always knew when he needed her. And maybe she also needed him. "It's so fucking unfair."He said, pulling back from the hug to look in her blue eyes as her hand stroked his cheek, a comforting gesture as he leant against it. "The world is just unfair."She whispered. "How are you okay?"He asked as she just shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not okay but I try to hold on, on the idea that he is now in a better place."She answered. "And we're gonna be okay one day. One day we are ready to move on. And we'll keep him close to our hearts. Because he will never leave us. We'll carry him with us forever."She added, taking his chin in between her fingers. "I don't know how I'll get through this, Ali."He muttered as she placed a kiss on his forehead. "I'll help you through it, Jonesy."She whispered against his skin. "We're gonna get through this together." "Will you stay, Alice?"He asked, uncertainty in his eyes as she softly smiled at that. "I'll stay 'till you won't need me."She answered, letting go off his chin. "But what if I'll need you forever?"He asked, taking her hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze. "Than that is how long I'll stay."

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