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There were two important things in Alice Cooper's life, Betty and Polly, her two daughters. She would do anything in her reach to keep her daughters safe but here she was, already losing her eldest daughter who didn't want to stay in Riverdale while her youngest daughter kept dissapearing only coming back in the middle of the night when she thought her mother was asleep, while Alice laid wide awake in her bed, counting the minutes before the front door would slowly open and the stairs would creak under Betty's footsteps as she tried to get to her room unnoticed. 

In the mornings, they did not mention it. Betty didn't tell her mother that she was away till the middle of the night and Alice didn't tell her daughter that she had been waiting for her to return home, safely. No, instead Alice held her mask on, hiding how she was really feeling while preparing breakfast for her daughter and husband, keeping a casual conversation with them about school or work before Betty would leave, giving both her parents a kiss on the cheek as she left the house to go school with Archie or Jughead. She did not notice the growing tension between her parents, her parents who were slowly growing more and more apart. Hal Cooper was having a secret affair behind his wife's back while Alice sat at home or in the office worrying, hoping Betty wouldn't get herself in trouble. 

It wasn't until one morning that Alice her eyes opened to what really was going on around her. "Mom, can we talk?"Betty asked softly, putting her empty dish in the sink before looking around, making sure they were alone. "Yes of course, Betty."Alice said immediately, turning towards her daughter who seemed to be thinking deeply about she was going to say next. "Last week during school...Uhm...I had a conversation with Cheryl."Betty started, taking a seat at the diner table, gesturing at her mother to do the same. "Yes?"Alice asked, wondering where this conversation was going. "She...Dad is cheating on you with Cheryl's mother."Betty quickly spoke, wanting the words to be out there as Alice could only stare blankly at her daughter, trying to register the words that she had just heard. Her husband was cheating on her? With the one person who he "hated" the most? Was this some sick joke? "Are you sure, Elizabeth?"Alice asked slowly, needing to hear it again. "Yes, Cheryl saw dad leave her mother's bedroom."Betty answered, moving a bit in her seat. "Thank you for telling me, Betty."Alice said softly, not knowing how else to react before looking at the clock. "You should leave for school, Elizabeth. I'm sure Archie is waiting for you."She added just as there was a knock on the front door. "Are you going to be okay, mom?"Betty asked, slightly worried. "Don't worry about me, Betty."She said, ushering her youngest daughter to the front door. "I'll be fine like I always have."She added, opening the door. "Goodmorning, Mrs. C."Jughead greeted Alice before turning his attention to Betty whose eyes were focused on her mother, trying to really find how she was feeling. "I'll see you after school."Alice said, holding the door as Betty left the house slowly before the door closed. 

What was she supposed to do?

Her husband was cheating on her with none other than fucking Penelope Blossom. And fucking they were for sure! She quickly went upstairs, throwing the door of their bedroom open as she started packing his stuff, not hearing how the front door opened again. "Alice?"Hal Cooper called from downstairs, looking inside the kitchen, expecting to find his wife there but he did not to only hear something suddenly falling down the stairs. "Alice, what the hell is this?"He asked loudly, looking at one of his bags that laid now at the bottom of the stairs while Alice still was on the top, holding another bag. "Your clothes, asshole!"She yelled, throwing the other bag down. "What is your problem!"He yelled back, quickly crawling over them to make his way upstairs towards her. "YOU!"She yelled straight away, wanting to slap him, hell she even wanted to shove him down the stairs! You are sleeping with Penelope Blossom!"She added angry, hitting his chest. "Who told you, Alice?"He asked, grabbing her hands, stopping her from hitting him more. "Cheryl told Betty."She answered, pulling her hands free. "Our daughter had to hear how her dad is jaywalking!"She added, running downstairs. "Cheryl did not have the right to tell it!"He said back as Alice opened the front door, throwing the bags outside. "You're fucking her mother for God's Sake, Hal!"Alice yelled back, glaring at her. "She had the right to tell it!"She added. "So you're throwing me out now, Al?"He asked, raising an eyebrow at her. "Don't call me that."She hissed, holding the door open for him. "Why, only some Serpent scum can call you that? Can people only call you that when they fuck you?"He asked, taking a step closer towards her as her hand flew out, hitting him right across the cheek causing his head to fly to the side from the sudden impact as she ignored the stinging pain that immediately went through her hand. "Get. Out."She hissed, pointing outside, tears threatening to spill. "Did you really just slap me?"He asked as his hand went to his cheek, staring slightly schocked at Alice. "You know I made you someone. Before you were a nobody, someone destined to die. Then you crawled in my bed and I made you who you are now. Everything you see around you, is thanks to me."He hissed, stepping closer towards her. "This house, mine. Your car, mine. Your clothes, also from my money."He added as her back was now against the wall, her eyes holding his, trying to act strong but she was slowly losing her ground. "I dare you to throw me out."He spatted, a hand slamming the wall next to her, startling her. "Go fuck Penelope."She hissed low, knowing all too well what was going to happen next but nothing in her body felt like listening to her mind. It was her heart speaking out on that moment. 

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