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Get yourself together...

She got herself together. Pretty well, he did not know what he was really talking and she should just not listen to whatever that man was saying. Yet, she kept thinking about it. Maybe she had to admit she would kinda miss him when he is gone but that meant nothing. Does it? 

It kept her awake as she thought about what he said, what it meant and what it did to her. Had they sexual tension? Or was he just trying to push her buttons? Oh, she did not know... And it made her get a pretty bad headache. All the thinking she did that she did not really want to do but really did because what else was she supposed to do with all the information she got? Wait, if he felt sexual tension it must mean there is something from his side? No? Or was she thinking too far now? Fuck. She did not know . Maybe she should ask him. Just going straight to the point or maybe she should ignore it and keep her nose out of that bussiness.  

All those maybes made her go crazy. No, she was just going to ask him!

Her thoughts got stopped abruptly when the spare room normally occupied by Forsythe Sr. was empty except for his son who was staring absently out of the window. "Where is your father?"She asked slightly confused. He was not supposed to be gone yet. "He had some urgent business he needed to take care of."FP Jr. answered turning around to look at her. "Will he come back?"She asked trying to process everything he was saying not that he had said a lot, only that his father was already gone. He could've said something... No, he just left like a fucking ghost without bothering to say goodbye! Not that she cared. Absolutely not. "Are you alright?"He asked unsure causing her to look back up. "I'm fine!"She quickly said, leaving the room as she went back to her bedroom. 

He just left... A sigh left her lips as she pinched the bridge of her nose. He just left... How could he? He made her head go crazy and than he left without saying goodbye like a fucking asshole! "Piece of shit."She muttered, kicking her shoes off in pure frustrations. "Should have never let him get to my head."Her eyes got pulled by a picture on the nightstand as she picked up, staring at the happy faces in the picture, all bright eyes and smiles. Oh, how she wished to go back to that day. Back to her complete family that was far from perfect but it was her little family... 


"Susanna, darling, you're daydreaming."A voice said as her eyes fluttered open, smiling at the man lying next to her. "I was sleeping, Forsythe."She said back as he just chuckled at that, a finger trailing over her arm, sending goosebumps all over it. "Had a good dream?"He asked curious as she just chuckled at that, leaning up to press a tender kiss to his lips. "You would love to know that, don't you?"She asked, pulling back when he wanted to deepen the kiss. "I'm a curious man, Smith."He answered, taking her chin in his hands. "At least I hope you were dreaming about me, princess."


A gasp left her lips as she shot up in her bed. What on earth was this?! Okay, it was official she had finally lose her head! This can't be happening. She wrapped her nightrobe around her body as she went downstairs. A glass of water would cool down everything she was feeling. 

"Mom?"Alice asked sleepy as she found her mother standing in the kitchen with a glass of water in her hands. "Why are you up?"She asked, rubbing her eyes. "Couldn't sleep."Susanna answered with a soft smile putting the glass down on the counter. "Go back to sleep, Alice."She muttered placing a kiss on her daughter's forehead. "You know you should just go and see him."Alice said softly. "I think I wrote his adress down in the little notebook by the telephone."She added before going upstairs. 

Should she just go? Before she could form any plan in her head that would make everything go smoothly and not to reckless, she already had the notebook in her hand, skipping through the pages before his name stood on a page. An adress written down next to it. Should she go? It wouldn't kill her really...

And that is why she was driving somewhere in the middle of the night, not really knowing what she was going to do nor say but all she followed were her feelings and they were telling her to go to him and just confront him. 

"Open the door, Forsythe!"She yelled, slamming her fists on the door of the trailer. The door slowly opened to find a confused and sleepy Forsythe Sr. standing in the doorway. "What on earth are you doing, Susanna. It's middle of the bloody night!'He exclaimed, gesturing around. "You cannot simply leave a day too early and not say anything to me."She quickly said, glaring at him. I mean if looks could kill, he was dead. "Oh..."Was all he said as he just stared at her. "You care."He added with a slight smirk. "Get your head out of your butt, dickhead!"She yelled, hitting his chest. "Calm down, princess."He said, taking her hands in his. "Not that I don't love it. You're fiesty."He added as she just huffed at that. "Go fuck yourself."She hissed, trying to pull her arms free. "Why are you here?"He asked, holding her wrists tight but not too tight in his grip. "Because you left."She answered, afraid to look at him, afraid her eyes would give it away. Give away that she dreamt about him and did not bloody minded it. "And that is the reason you drove all the way here?"He asked with a raised eyebrow. "I...Wh...You..."She muttered, stumbling over her words. What was she going to say? "I want to...I want to see what this is."She said softly, feeling how fingers touched her chin, lifting it slowly up so she met his dark brown eyes. "You want to see what us could be?"He asked unsure as she just nodded her head at that. "I want to give it a chance."

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