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Arms were tightly wrapped around his waist as he drove his bike away from that place that kept his Ali locked up, away from him. How he would have tear down that whole place to get her out of there and here they were now, driving on the highway, surrounded by the Serpents as she held tightly onto him, her head resting against his back, not minding the wind that blew through her hair, making her blond locks dance with the wind and he did not mind the way she held onto him. He promised to always have her back, a promise he would never break. He would kill to keep her safe, he would do everything in his reach to keep his girl safe from harm. 

The sound of the engines finally stopped as they arrived in front of the familiar Diner whose lights shone brightly, welcoming them inside as they all entered Pop's with Pop  greeting them with a bright smile which only grew as he watched how FP carried Alice inside, smiles on both their faces, eyes holding each other, melting Pop's heart who had seen their love go through the brightest and darkest days. How he was in love with their love, how he wished they would end up together and here he was now, seeing them together again with the same emotions in their eyes as he witnissed years ago, an emotion that promised each other their world, a promise of love, of happiness. 

He looked up at FP who suddenly stood in front of the counter, leaning slightly against it with eyes trailing often back at Alice who had his Serpents jacket wrapped around her body while the Serpents held her company, her old friends. "The same order as back in the days?"Pop asked, a slight twinkle in his eyes. "Do you still remember?"FP asked amused, knowing all too well how often he and Alice had spend in here, stealing each other's food but never changing their order. "How could I forget my favorite couple's order?"Pop asked back with a smirk, already typing it down. "It's on the house."He added and before FP could say anything he had dissapeared in the kitchen. "You're the man, Pop!"FP yelled with a smile before going back to the booth where everyone sat, sliding onto the seat next to Alice, arms wrapping around her as she leant against him, a content sigh leaving her lips. "I missed those days."She whispered softly, not minding the Serpents with them as they used to be her family and always will be her family. Even after everything that had happened. She was done being that Northside woman, she was completely embracing the southside from now on. 

"We can make more of those days from now on, Ali."FP whispered softly, fingers entangling with hers as his eyes rested on both their hands that no longer contained a ring that kept them apart, a ring that made them be with someone else. "I would love that, Jonesy."She whispered back, blue eyes looking up in his brown ones before her lips found his for a kiss. "You just need to promise me to never run away like that again."He said softly when their lips were no longer on each other. "Not a change that I will run away from you again."She said back just as Pop came by their booth, putting down their order on the table. "Enjoy the food, lovebirds."He said with a smirk before leaving them. "Should I already switch our drinks?"FP asked with a smile, taking a sip from his milkshake. "It's more fun if I steal it."She said back, taking the straw in his milkshake between her fingers as she took a sip from it now. "You know you're the only one who can do that, Ali."He said softly, pecking her lips before taking some fries. "I feel special now."She said back, taking one of the fries from him causing him to chuckle. "But you're my special one."He said softly, his arm around her shoulder. In that moment the world around them didn't exist, it felt like the whole world had stopped turning around and focused on this night. Nothing else was of any importance , all they needed was each other. Something they always needed from the beginning. They made each other complete in ways that no one could understand except for them. She knew that he would always catch her when she would fall and he knew she would always stand by his side in what was going to come. 

"Marry me, Ali."He whispered suddenly, the words leaving his lips before he could even register them as they came directly from his heart as her eyes looked up at that, meeting his. "Will you marry me, Ali?"He asked, reforming it slightly as a chuckle left her lips at that. "You really need to ask that?"She asked back, a smirk on her lips as her hand cupped his cheek, thumb stroking over the stubble. "Of course I will, Jonesy."She added, leaning closer towards him, connecting their lips together in a loving kiss as he reached up, taking something from under his shirt as she noticed now the necklace hanging around his neck which he carefully took off, a ring hanging on the chain. "I've been carrying this around since the day I saw you again with Jughead's birthday party. I promised myself, I would put this ring around your finger and make you mine forever."He whispered, slipping the ring around her finger as it perfectly fit. Smiles on both their faces. "Now I can call you my Alice."

In that moment, between the four walls of Pop's with their friends alongside them, nothing in the world could compete with how they felt and nothing could have made it more perfect. This was a memory that did not need a picture to remember, this was a memory made in their heart that they would forever remember. Love was the strongest memory you could have and both of them shared it. 

Their world became one.

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