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"I want a dog."FP spoke causing a silince to fall over the dining table as Alice dropped her spoon at that in her soup while Betty looked at Jughead who shrugged his shoulders, not knowing where this sudden need of his father came for a dog. "We have Hot Dog."Alice said, refering to the dog that was sleeping on the couch, slightly snoring. "Yeah but I want a friend for him."FP said back, laying his spoon down as he looked at her with slightly pleading eyes. He just imagined how it would be to have some life here in this house again and a dog could be exactly what they needed. "I don't see why we need another dog."Alice muttered, shaking her head. 

"I wouldn't mind really."Jughead said, feeling like he should say something about it also once his mouth was empty. "I think it could do us good even."Betty added before he could as he just stuffed more soup in his mouth, enjoying the food deeply. "And how could it do us possibly good?"Alice asked, looking at her daughter skeptical who just shrugged her shoulders as she looked at FP, her eyes telling him that he could explain that. "It will bring some life to this house."FP explained carefully, resting a hand on Alice her leg under the table as she just raised an eyebrow. "And I think it will do us all good."He added as she snorted at that, picking back up her spoon. "Do us good? Do you know who is cleaning the house? Me and I don't need dog pee to clean up."She said back, shaking her head. "What a ridiculous thought."She murmured as they just continued eating as if this conversation had not just taken place.

After dinner Betty and Jughead excused themselves to go to Pop's to meet up with Veronica and Archie, leaving their parents alone as Alice was doing the dishes, softly humming to herself before arms wrapped around her waist as FP snuggled his face in her neck. "Don't you dare bring it back up, Jones."She warned him but leant against him slightly. "Not willing to just think about it, babe?"He asked, pressing kisses on her neck. "Let it sink in and consider it."He murmured against her skin. "Perhaps if you take a towel and help me further I may think about it."She said back, gesturing at the towel that laid on the counter as he dropped his arms from around her waist to take the towel and help her. "So you'll think about it?"He asked with a raised eyebrow. "I'll consider it."She answered with a smile, handing him a dish as he dried it quickly. "Really, great!"He said, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he thought about having a new dog, running around the house as Jughead would play with it while Betty would try to teach the dog how to sit with snacks with Jug complaining about the fact that he never gets snacks when he sits down. "You're not gonna regret it, babe."

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