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FP's eyes were focused on the pregnancy test in his hands with two stripes on it, indicating that the person who took this, is pregnant... His eyes moved to the door, on the otherside in the living room were Betty, Jug and Alice waiting for him to come back so they could continue the movie they were watching together. Not that the movie was on his mind now. 

There was a used pregnancy test in the trash in the bathroom and he was going to hear what they had to say about it! He left the bathroom quickly, the test held tightly in his hands. "Boy, Betty, I thought I made clear to be safe!"He said loudly laying the test on the table, startling Alicer who had snoozed off. "Is that a pregnancy test?"Jughead asked confused, sitting up on the couch as Betty did the same. "Of course, it is, now tell me when were you're going to tell us?"FP asked looking from Jughead to Betty and back. 

"Betty?"Jughead asked confused, looking at his girlfriend who looked equally schocked as him. "It's not mine."She quickly answered before realization struck her as her eyes moved to her mother, sitting on the other couch, eyes focused on the pregnancy test. "Mom?"Betty asked softly, noticing the tears forming in her eyes as this seemed to pull FP's attention also to Alice who was on the brick of breaking down. "Ali, babe."He whispered, sitting down next to her, an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer towards him. "It's not them."She whispered, holding his shirt in her hands, afraid he would leave her. She had not know what to do so she threw it away and was planning on never mentioning it. It could be wrong after all... But all the signs were there, telling her that she was in fact pregnant but she didn't want to believe it but here they now sat with the pregnancy test on the coffee table. The subject of the conversation. "What do you...Wait."He murmured, connecting the dots as his eyes grew big. "Kids, could you leave us alone."FP said as Betty and Jughead quickly went upstairs, leaving their parents alone to talk. 

"Are you pregnant, Alice?"FP asked in a whisper, turning in his seat to face her better, studying the expression on her face as she nodded her head, the tears leaving her eyes. "I didn't know how to tell you."She whispered, scared eyes meeting his. "Hey, babe, it's alright."He quickly said, pulling her closer towards him, arms wrapped around her in a comforting hug. "We're going to do this, together."He murmured, kissing her hair. "A little boy or girl waking everyone up in the night. Can you imagine Jughead feeding her or him?"He asked, imagining it as Alice chuckled at that also thinking about it now. "He would get upset for the spilled food."She murmured softly. "And he would try to make them eat a burger from Pop's."FP added, stroking her hair. "You see, Ali, we're gonna do this."He said softly, a hand moving to her belly. "This angel is going to have the best family in the world."

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