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A dog. There was another dog in her house and it was a ball of energy. Hot Dog was nothing compared to this dog that FP proudly brought home. "What do you think, babe?"He asked as she just stared at the dog that was currently chasing Hot Dog's tail. "I'm honestly not sure what I'm thinking."She answered, feeling his arm wrap around her waist. "What are we naming her?"Betty asked, a smile present on her lips as she had managed to pick the dog up, petting it gently as all Alice could see was the trail of white hair it had left behind."Jug, boy, you can choose."FP said, looking at his son who was studying the dog that currently had all the attention of his girlfriend. "Don't you dare name him any fo-""Cheese."Jug said, stopping his girlfriend from finishing her sentence. He found Cheese the perfect name. He could have named the dog Hamburger so... Cheese was a good name in his opinion. "Cheese?"Betty questioned with a raised eyebrow. "I mean she looks like a Cheese."Jug said back with a shrug of his shoulders, leaving the living room to go in the kitchen immediately followed by Betty who in her turn was followed by the dog whose name was now Cheese.
"You know, you could have warned me or something."Alice said, swiftly picking all the hairs of the carpet. "I told you I wanted one, Ali."He said back, leaning against the wall, watching her. "Telling it is something completely different than doing it, Jones."She said, throwing the hairs away in the trashcan. "You love her, babe."He muttered, closing the distance between them as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "It's going to pee in house and worse take a dump."She went on not even listening to him as she slipped from between his arms. "And who will be cleaning that? Me."She muttered to just feel how FP grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards him to place his lips onto hers, stopping her from saying anything else. "You can't make me shut up like that, Jones."She said softly, staring at him. "I'm going to help you, babe. Everyone here will, having a dog is a shared responsiblity."He said back, placing another kiss on her forehead. "You will clean pee?"She asked with a raised eyebrow. "I'll do anything for you, Ali."He whispered as they pulled away from each other as their children walked back inside the living room still followed by Cheese. "She is a dog, Jug. Of course she gets snacks when she does something good, it is a reward!"Betty said, sitting down on the couch. "Why don't I get rewards then? I think I've done some good things to."Jughead said back, crossing his arms. "Jug, she is a dog."Betty said, rolling her eyes as FP couldn't help but to chuckle at that. "That is pure discrimination."Jug immediately threw back as Cheese just watched them both confused. "It's not because she is a dog and I am a human that we don't deserve the same things."He added. "Are they really having a discussion about this?"Alice asked in a whisper, watching them with a frown on her face. "It's Jug, babe, he has a passion for food."

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