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Their parents...

Well they still couldn't get along much to her frustration which did not go unnoticed by FP or Betty who watched her mother with careful eyes, expecting any moment an outburst but it still had to come. "Alice, that man is a pig."Alice's mom said, entering the kitchen as she was doing the dishes, rolling her eyes as she had heard that exact sentence a dozen times before now. "So?"She asked shortly, not having the energy to repeat the discussion it always caused. "So? Is that really all you can say?"Her mother asked in disbelief. "He's leaving empty bottles on the tables, he did not take off his shoes when he entered the house and don't let me start about the bathroom!"Her mother ranted on, counting them on her fingers as if it had more effect on her as she simply shrugged her shoulders. "He's a grown-up man."She answered plainly, putting down her towel just as FP entered the kitchen, looking at them slightly nervous. "You! Does your father not know how to behave himself!?"Alice's mom went on, turning her attention now completely on FP whose eyes grew big at that. That woman already didn't like him and now his words could make this situation even worser and he didn't want that to happen. "He can behave himself, mom. He just probably doesn't like you."Alice said back, saving FP from this situation while also making her mother shut her mouth. "How, how can you say something like that, Alice."Her mother said, narrowing her eyes. "Because it's the truth, mother."Alice threw back, taking FP's hand in hers, squeezing it softly. "How about we go to Pop's for some peace?"She asked in a whisper, leaning up to press a kiss on his lips. "Sounds good to me, babe."


Didn't like her. That was just ridiculous and she was going to make that clear to him. She was not taking such a comment from her own daughter. Maybe she wasn't really the easiest to get along with but she wasn't that horrible. No, she wasn't! "You're still here?" FP. Jones Sr. said, looking up from the newspaper to look at her. "Of course I'm still here! You can't chase me out of my daughter's house!"She quickly answered, crossing her arms as she looked at the man who just leant back in the chair, an amused look on his face. "And my son's house."He added with a smirk as she almost stomped her foot at that. "I know who put most of the effort in this house."She murmured, glaring at him as a chuckle left his lips. "So?"He asked, putting down the paper. "No one else seems to care about that, except for you."He added. "You're a swine."She muttered, leaving the living. "Am I a pig or a swine, Susanna?"He asked loudly, making sure she could still hear him. "Don't you call me by my first name, Jones!"She warned, stopping herself from leaving the living, turning swiftly around as she pointed a manicured nail at him as he stood up slowly, stretching himself before closing the distance between them. "Please tell me why I can't?"He said softly, staring down at her as she just huffed at that. "Because I tell you so!"She answered as a smirk formed on his lips at that, making her even more frustrated with that poor excuse of a man, making her wonder how her daughter could even get along with him. "I prefer to be called Forsythe instead of Jones, Susanna."He said, letting her name slip slowly off his lips. "And please don't get your panties in a twist."He added as he walked past her inside the kitchen, probably going to fetch him another drink. In that aspect she and her daughter were the same, not dropping something that easily and that was exactly why she went after him. "Going to drink yourself to oblivious?"She asked with a raised but skeptical eyebrow almost as if she had predicted this all. "That is what I'm good in."He answered plainly, taking a beer bottle out of the fridge. "You told me, remember."He added with a wink as she just groaned at that. "You are an insufferable man!"She hissed, slamming her hands on the kitchen counter. "And you're trying to chase me out of this house and you will do the same with my son. But remember who we are."He threw back, glaring at her. "I'm not one that will go quietly. I do not go without a fight."He added, leaning over the counter, their faces closest than they ever had been as their eyes held each other. "Then I'll put on a fight, Forsythe. I hope you're ready."

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