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Drunk, being in a temporary state in which one's physical and mental faculties are impaired by an excess of alcoholic ; intoxicated.

He was definitely drunk, more so he was completely on another planet almost as he knocked on the bar, a sign to get him another beer which Hog Eye gave with slight reluctance, knowing there was no way he would be able to make FP stop drinking but he rather wished to have a sober FP sitting at the bar. Drunk FP was a mystery, he would have moodswings that often ended with him fighting someone or he would just pass out at the bar and Hog Eye then had to carry him up the stairs to the office with the help of some Serpents. 

Either way, he didn't like it when FP was drunk at his bar and he didn't think he would find FP drunk at his bar again after he was released from prison and didn't drink for almost a year which made Hog Eye believe there was a reason that FP sat here, turning his beer bottle around on the table with his head resting on his hand. 

The doors of the bar opened causing Hog Eye to look away from the bar to find none other than Alice walking inside the bar, her blue eyes traveling around the bar till they found FP. "I think you have visit."Hog Eye spoke, getting FP's attention who turned around to look behind him as Alice was quickly next to him. "I knew I would find you here, Jones."She spoke, sitting down on the barstool next to his. "The usual?"Hog Eye asked as she nodded her head causing him to quickly start on the drink, leaving the two of them behind to talk. "I knew you would try to find me, Smith."FP said back, taking another gulp of his beer. "It wasn't hard to figure out where you would go to, you're still very predictable."She said, sending a smile to Hog Eye as he put a shot of tequila in front of her. "I don't need this right now, Alice."FP muttered, wanting to stand up as her hand went to his chest, pushing him back on his seat. "Right now, you need some water."She said, a wave at Hog Eye who got the hint and quickly put a glass of water in front FP. "You don't need to take care of me."He slurred, pointing a finger at her. "Teaming up against me."He muttered, glaring at her and Hog Eye. "I'm here and I'll stay here till you come with me."She said sternly. "You can stay here forever then."He said back, pushing the water away from him. "And ruin your life."He added softer. "I would do it without a doubt, Forsythe Pendelton."She hissed, taking the beer away from him. "Cause that is what you do when you love someone."She added, her blue eyes holding his brown ones as Hog Eye watched the scene unfold in front of him. 

"That's a stupid thing to do, Ali."He muttered, his hand finding hers. "I've done a lot of stupid things for you, Jonesy."She threw back as he pulled her closer towards him till she sat on his lap, his arms wrapping around her waist, holding her close while his head rested on her shoulder. "You shouldn't do that, you deserve better."He whispered, lips placing kisses on her neck. 

"I don't want better, FP, I want you."

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