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He needed her more than he would like to admit it but in moments of pure sadness where not another feeling came through, he really missed her. How she would wrap her arms around him, pull him closer towards her, comforting him with soothing words and never leave his side till she was sure he was going to be okay. 

But now, he was sitting alone at the bar in the Whyte Wyrm, drinking his...he didn't even know anymore how many beers he had drunk yet and guessing on that, it must have been a lot as his arms rested on the counter while a worried Hog Eye stared at his leader. Only a wave of his hand would get the man on the other side of the bar to move and fetch another beer for him with clear worry in his eyes which FP ignored not needing anyone to worry about him. Wasn't he doing fine? He could be dead perhaps? Or passed out in the middle of nowhere. But no, he was sitting here. He didn't jump on his motorcycle and rode to fucking nowhere. No he stayed in this fucked up town called Riverdale, where everyone knows everyone and knows everything. If you wanna have some privacy move to the Southside, golden advice if you would ask him that's maybe why he never left the Southside after high school. 

He became his dad, how much he hated it, it was the truth and now here he was sitting mourning his father's passing in the best way he could, drinking. If she would be here, she would hit his head with a scowl on her face telling him to pull himself together for the sake of his son and go home. The only thing was, he didn't wish to go home. Neither did he wish to pretend like everything was alright and here in between those four walls he could for a minute drink and forget. Two of his favorite things on the moment. The best solutions to anything. 

"Drinking away your sorrows once again, Jones?"A smooth familiar voice asked as someone took the seat next to him as his eyes looked up to scan the person who dared to take the seat next to the future leader of the Serpents to only be surprised to find none other than Alice Smith, pardon, Alice Cooper sitting next to him looking completely like a Northsider but he was sure somewhere buried in there deep was that Southside girl he used to love with his whole heart. Now there was almost nothing left of it. The Southside Alice and his heart. "Thought you would be with Gladys and your son and daughter."She spoke, ordering herself a drink with a wave of her hand, not even saying anything but Hog Eye knew exactly what to get her. "They don't understand."He muttered, taking another sip of his drink. "How you can miss someone who made your life a hell?"She asked softly, putting in words what he was thinking as his brown eyes found her beautiful blue ones. "They wonder why you mourn over someone that gave you pain and hurt while they don't get that that person used to be a big part of your childhood, how bad they may have been. They were and still are family to you and maybe the only ones left."She explained, smiling at Hog Eye when he brought her drink. "She told me to be happy about it. Happy that I don't have to waste more money on him and that I'm gonna be the leader of the Serpents."He said back, looking at his now empty bottle before watching her down her drink. There was that Southside Alice he loved. 

"Is that what you wanna be, FP?"She asked softly, turning a bit in her seat to decently face him, a hand resting on his leg, giving him comfort that he had missed, comfort that he needed. "I don't know what I need, Ali."He answered in all honesty, his hand resting onto hers while a sad smile formed on his lips. "I don't want my kids deserve the life I had."He muttered, muttering the words that had been haunting his mind since the last couple of months. Months he spent here, growing apart from his family as he found love missing in his marriage and didn't know how to handle that loss. "They won't, Jonesy, they have a father that love them with every single piece of his heart. You're not like your father and you never will be. You have a beautiful family...and wife."She said back, adding the last part rather unsure as he couldn't help but to snort at that. "It's nothing compared to yours. Northside, no problems, money enough."He threw back rather coldly as she raised an eyebrow at that comment, pulling her hand from his knee. "You think I live the perfect life, Jones?"She asked coldly, standing up from her seat. "You married fucking Hal Cooper, richer you couldn't go, sweetheart."He answered, gesturing at Hog Eye for another beer as Hog Eye went to take one to only receive an icy glare from Alice, warning him to not take one. "I didn't care about his money. I just couldn't stay here!"She said back angry, slamming her hand on the bar. "Do you really think I'm like that? Marrying a guy just for the money?!"She added, glaring at him. "You demostrated it quite perfectly."He muttered, standing up to see how his world was slightly blurry. "You're an asshole, Jones."She hissed, leaving the bar without another word as he looked at Hog Eye who seemed rather dissapointed about the outcome of this conversation. "What was she even fucking doing here."He muttered, sitting back down. "I called her."Hog Eye answered, putting down the towel with a sigh. "She came straight away when I called her and then you go and act like that. I sadly have to agree with her at that last statement."He muttered with a shake of his head as FP's gaze went back to the door where she had walked through, leaving him behind to find himself stumbling through them, going after her. "Ali, wait!"He called out as she unlocked her door, seeing how she pursed her lips together, turning around to watch him stumble towards her, taking in a deep breath as he leant against her car. "Why did you come?"He asked carefully. "Because I care, Jones."

Care, she cared. Did she only cared about his sorrows or about the fact that he was just drinking or maybe she cared about his father's passing and wanted to pay her respects or did she care about him? Did she still care about him? After all those years that they had lived their lifes apart, did she still care about him...

"It is very stupid and dumb to do."He muttered with a shake of his head as a chuckle left her lips. "As if I don't know that, FP."She answered rather calm, looking him in the eyes. "I have that so called perfect family, like you call it, but yet again I come running towards you when you need me."She said softly, stroking over his shirt to get some wrinkles out of it. "If I would say I need you always, could it make you stay?"He asked softly, taking her hands in his. "You're drunk."She muttered, uncertainty in her eyes as she scanned him, trying to read the emotions in his eyes. "I need you, Ali."

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