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A/N: Okay, I have to admit I like to write one shots based on the lyrics of a song, mostly after the last one and I also feel like it is on the moment an easy way for the update. Not that it means that I will only make one shots like this from now on. Obviously not. Also I wanted to say, if you guys feel like you have a song that is perfect for them, you can always drop it in the comments and I'll see if I can make it work ;). Enjoy this update, hope you guys like it!


"Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say."

Her eyes had been focused the whole time on her laptop trying to finish the article that was due to tomorrow morning but in the corner of her eyes she could see FP trying to get her attention. Maybe it was after all a stupid idea to come and work at Pop's. "Ali, I can see you noticed me!"He called out from behind the counter. "I'm busy, Jones."She remarked, not even giving him a glance. "You've never been too busy for me, princess!"

"Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face."

"Aren't you supposed to be working?"She asked irritated, sending a glare his way. "My shift is actually over."He answered, taking off his apron. "And why are you then still here?"She asked with a raised eyebrow. "Because you're still sitting here."He answered straight away, walking towards the booth she was sitting in, sliding on the seat in front of her. "Maybe that is because I'm trying to work, Forsythe."She said back, taking a sip from her cup of coffee. On moments like this she hated that she was absolutely not the handy person because maybe then she would have been able to fix the coffee machine at the Register. "And I think you should take a break."He commented, closing her laptop before she could say anything.

"There's no one quite like you, you push all my buttons down."

"It's not a thing for you to choose."She said back with narrowed eyes, opening her laptop again to only find his hand, holding it down. "Some fresh air wouldn't hurt you, Ali. What do you say?"

"I know life would suck without you."

"What do you suggest, Jones?"She asked, crossing her arms as he smirked at that, giving himself the victory of convincing her. "How about a ride?"He asked, finishing her cup of coffee before she could. "Don't bother paying, I already did."He added with a wink as he left the Diner being extremely sure that she was going to follow, making her wonder what he would do if she would just continue working. But she actually had to admit she quite liked the idea, 

"At the same time I wanna hug you"

"Thought for a moment you wouldn't show up, princess."He said as she finally left the Diner. "Maybe I wasn't sure about this break."She said back, going to her car to put her stuff in it. "Maybe you weren't sure about following me."He corrected her with a wink.

"I wanna wrap my hands around your neck."

"Maybe you should get your head out off your ass?"She suggested, taking the helmet out of his hands. "Maybe you should stop getting ready to murder anyone who talks to you, princess."He suggested back, helping her with the helmet. "I'm only ready to murder you, Jones."

"You're an asshole but I love you and you make me so mad I ask myself."

"I know other ways to vent."He said back with a wink causing her to narrow her eyes at him. "Now, let's go, Ali."He added, patting the seat on his bike.

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