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"Mom, we're going to be late!"Betty yelled loudly, while Alice quickly applied some red lipstick to her lips before leaving the bathroom, joining Betty and Jughead. "Is your father not coming?"Alice asked curious, looking at Jughead who waited for Betty to fix his tie. "He's at Pop's. He's joining us at the church."He explained, giving Betty a peck on the cheek once his tie was okay now in her opinion. "Then we'll save him a seat."Alice said, slipping on her jacket while Betty and Jughead already made their way to the car, both taking a seat on the backseat. "Alice!"Someone yelled causing her to look up when she locked the door, seeing how Fred and Archie came towards her. "Could we ride along?"Fred asked. "Of course."She said with a smile as Archie took the last seat on the backseat while Fred took the passenger seat. All of them waiting for Alice to join them which she quickly did. "What happened to your car, Fred?"She asked curious, starting the engine. "Something wrong with the engine. Archie and I thought we could fix it but I believe we only made it worser."He explained with a chuckle. "If you want I can take a look at it tomorrow, Mr. Andrews."Betty suggested, knowing a lot more about cars than Archie and Fred combined. "That would be great, Betty. Thank you."Fred said, before staring outside the window. "Is V going with her mom?"Betty asked curious, looking at Archie. "Yeah, they are helping Josie with the ceremony."Archie explained with a smile, that just appeared on his face when thinking about his girlfriend. "How have you been, Alice?"Fred asked carefully, knowing how hard those last months have been on her, the divorce from her ex-husband, the renovation of the house while working back in the Register, changing the whole paper. 

"Busy."She answered with a small smile, turning on the parking lot of the church, seeing a whole crowd already waiting there. "If you need some help, we can always swing by."Fred suggested as Archie nodded his head at that. "I'm a master painter."Fred added jokingly as she couldn't help but to roll her eyes at that. "That's why you helped out with the decorations for the musical?"She asked with raised eyebrow. "I heard they had specific rules to keep you away from the paint."She added as he chuckled at that. "FP had started the paint war, I just finished it."He said back in his defense. "How I would love to hear this story but I think V is waiting for us."Archie said as he left the car followed by Betty and Jughead. "How is it going with FP?"Fred asked once the kids were far away, knowing the topic had not been discussed yet. "We're taking our time."She answered softly, locking the car once they have left it. "Not wanting to go to quickly in it all."She added. "How about you and Hermione?"She asked back as he smiled brightly at that. "We're getting there."He answered, his eyes going to Hermione who was standing with her daughter. "Funny how we all end up by our first loves."She murmured as they made their way to Hermione together who greeted Alice with a hug and Fred with a quick peck on the lips. "Alice!"Another voice yelled as she turned around seeing how FP made his way towards her, holding up his tie with a small smile on his lips. "You still cannot do it yourself?"She asked amused with a raised eyerbow. "I love when you do it."He said back, letting her wrap it around his neck, before carefully tying it, rubbing some wrinkles out of his shirt once she was done. "Jughead has his suit on?"He asked trying to find his son. "Betty made him."Alice answered with a smile, remembering their discussion about it. "She is just like you."He said with a smirk before greeting Fred and Hermione. "Let's get inside, shall we?"


The ceremony was one of the most beautiful Alice had been to and she couldn't help but to feel how a couple of tears left her eyes at seeing the love Sierra and Tom had for each other. She hoped that one day it would be her and FP standing there and promising the world to each other. Her world was only complete when he was in it, feeling how an arm wrapped suddenly around her waist, pulling her closer towards him as her attention got pulled back, looking at Sierra and Tom having their first dance. "Did you just zone out, Alice Smith?"FP asked amused, looking at her. "Couldn't help myself."She admitted, leaning slightly against him, listening how a new song started as other couples joined Tom and Sierra on the dancefloor. "You could stay with me forever. You could stay, with me for now."He whispered, taking her hand in his. "Dance with me, Ali."He whispered in her ear, pulling her slowly towards the dancefloor. A side of him expected her to refuse afraid of what the kids would say once they saw their parents dancing together, to only feel how she followed him on the dancefloor, letting him wrap his arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck, slowly swaying to the music. "I love you."She whispered, resting her head against his chest as a bright smile formed on his lips, hearing those three words leaving her lips. "And I love you, Alice."He whispered back, holding her even closer. "I wanna tell the kids about us."She said softly, looking up at him. "I want you to move in with me."She added, her eyes having that sparkle in them that he loved so much. "Because I'm gonna need you."She said next a small smile forming on her lips as he raised an eyebrow at her. "Even more."She added, pulling his face closer towards her, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, letting her lips linger there. "You're going to be a father."She whispered softly, a tear leaving her eyes as he pulled back carefully, staring at her in utter schock. "Ali, are you joking?"He asked, his eyes traveling to her belly as she shook her head at that. "I'm pregnant."She whispered as joy filled his whole body. "This is no joke?!"He asked again, resting a hand on her belly. "You really are?"He added, excitement hearable in his voice as she nodded her head. "You know what."He said, looking around them. "What?"She asked curious to only feel how he pulled her closer connecting their lips together in a passionate kiss. "FP, the kids."She whispered, pulling back as she looked at where she last saw them, seeing how they were all together, Jughead of course eating.  "Let's tell them now!"He said, taking her hand in his, leading her through the crowd to the table where the kids were. "Betty, Jug!"FP said, holding an arm around her while Betty and Jughead looked up curiously. "Are you drunk, dad?"Jughead asked unsure. "Drunk in love."He answered with a huge smile. "If this is about you and Ms. S, we already know."Jughead said quickly. "We made the connection when we found the ladder standing outside."He added amused how their expressions changed at that. "And the kiss you two shared."Betty added, gesturing at the dancefloor. "Did you two honestly think that we wouldn't figure it out, mom? We unmasked Jason's murderer."She added, looking at them. "And the Black Hood."Betty added softer. "Figuring out that you two had something took us only a day."Jughead said next. "So you acted like you did not know anything the whole time?"Alice asked schocked. "We found it funny to see Mr. Jones struggling to get outside or finding excuses to explain why he wasn't home."Betty answered. "You two are evil."FP murmured, pointing at them before turning his attention to Alice, kissing her fully on her lips, pulling her closer to him. "Okay, that we don't need to see."Jughead said quickly. "You're gonna see a lot of that."FP said with a smirk, his hand slipping back down to her belly. "Because I'm gonna make sure to show everyone how much I love Alice Smith."

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