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Love, it was a silly thing to do or to feel. It could blind you from everything in the world, play tricks with your mind and hurt you like hell. Love, it was what he felt everytime he looked at her, watch those blue eyes sparkle and that smile of hers. Loving something that was out of your reach, kills you slowly. His eyes remained on her as she sat in a booth with her daughter, not even paying any attention to him  as he stood behind the counter of Pop's. There was this unresolved tension between them, that she seemed to wish to ignore while he wanted to explore it and figure out what was causing it. But then...She had a family and he just had Jughead...

She had a husband while his wife had left him, taking his daughter with her. She had a future, bright and good while he was a Southside Serpent working at Pop's. He was not good enough for her and would never be able to compete. "Deep in thoughts, I see, FP."Someone said as he looked up finding Fred Andrews siting at the counter, a smile on his lips as he already seemed to know what had all his attention. "Just some trouble."He answered plainly, putting his attention on the dirt spot on the counter as he cleaned it. "With your heart?"Fred asked back amused. "How are you and Hermione?"He asked with raised eyebrow, showing that he rather did not want to discuss that subject. "Worked things out when she got divorced from Hiram."Fred answered straight away, not even hiding his feelings anymore for Hermione. Everyone knew he had always loved her. "Veronica is quite alright with it as is Archie."He added before FP could question it. "How are you and Alice?"He asked back, finally asking the question that he obviously was dying to ask. "We're friends, I think."FP answered, slightly unsure about it as they never talked lately. It seemed like there was this invisible space they had to cross before they could reach other and both of them were hesitant to cross it. "I see your son is stealing away her daughter, would call it the perfect time to get those unsure feelings away."Fred said as Jughead made his way towards Betty and Alice, granting Alice a kind smile before taking Betty's hand, leading her out of Pop's. "She doesn't want to talk to me."FP said quickly with a soft shake of his head. "And I'm rather busy."He added. "Busy, I see."Fred muttered, looking around the Diner to only find four people inside of it, he, Alice, FP and Pop who was busy in the kitchen. "Never seen this place that full."He added with a chuckle just as the subject of their conversation reached the counter. "Hello, Fred, FP."She said with a smile and a nod of her head, taking out her wallet to pay the bill. "How are you, Alice?"Fred asked, throwing an amused gaze at FP who acted all too busy with the cash register. "I'm okay, working things out with the Register. And you?"She answered. "I'm good and how is Hal?"He asked back, noticing that he managed to spark FP's curiousity with that question. "I wouldn't know, Fred."She answered, her smile fading slightly. "The papers have been signed."She added, handing the money to FP who couldn't hide his curiousity anymore. "You're divorced?"He asked surprised as Alice simply raised an eyebrow. "Almost a week now, Jones."She answered. "You never told me."He muttered confused as Fred couldn't help but to shake his head at that. "You never asked about it, Jones."She threw back, putting away her wallet before walking out of the Diner. "You're gonna let her walk away?"Fred asked with raised eyebrow to only catch the washcloth that FP threw at him as he ran after her outside. "Ali, wait!"He called out stopping her in her tracks as she slowly turned around to face him, this time curiousity in her eyes. "Is there something, Jones?"She asked, raising a blond eyebrow at him. "Yeah."He said, unsure how to even continue this conversation as she waited patiently for the rest of his sentence. "How about catching up tonight?"He asked, scratching the back of his head. "I'll think about it, Jonesy."She answered with a smirk before leaving him on the parking lot of Pop's, not knowing if this was a good thing or bad thing. 

Let's hope it was actually a good thing. She used his nickname after all...

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