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"Mom I need you."Betty whispered, holding her phone tightly in her hand, trying to hold back the tears while pacing around in the waiting room. "Elizabeth, where are you?"Alice asked worriedly from the otherside, hearing the pain in her daughter's voice. "Jug is in the hopsital."Betty whispered just as FP walked inside the waiting room causing Betty to end the phone call. 

"Elizabeth! Betty!"Alice yelled, hearing the beeping sound as a signal that the phone call had been ended, as she ran to the front door, not caring about getting her stuff together or to slip a jacket on against the cold. She had to get to her daughter, she had to make sure her daughter was safe. She couldn't lose her to... 

A speed limit did not exist to her as her car flew over the roads, dodging cars that made slippery stops when she passed them by, ignoring the angry drivers in them. She felt nothing in her, it was like her whole body went numb after everything that happened but it did not matter. The only thing that mattered was getting to the hospital for Betty. And FP... How they had not said a word to each other after that night but she knew how he must be feeling at the moment and it was the most horrible feeling. She had felt and she had put him through it...

Her car came to a abrupt stop in front of the hospital, jumping out of the car, locking it quickly ignoring everyone that was outside as she ran inside. "Bett!"She yelled loudly, pushing open doors to feel how arms wrapped around her immediately, tears staining her blouse as her daughter clinged on her mother for dear life. "Betty, sweetheart."She whispered, holding her daughter tightly in her arms, rubbing her back. "I'm here."She whispered, placing kisses in her hair. "I don't know what's happening, mom. They won't tell us."She whispered heartbroken as I looked at the reception where a nurse sat, typing away on her computer. "Oh we'll see about that!"She said, letting go off Betty before marching towards the nurse, slamming her hands on the desk. "Alice Cooper, to what do we owe this visit?"The nurse asked, rather unhappy by her presence. "Jughead Jones."She said short, not even trying to be friendly. "We can't give you that information."The nurse said back, not looking at Alice who grew rather impatient as the nurse just kept typing. "Mom, it's alright."Betty whispered as Archie held an arm around her. "No, Elizabeth, it's not alright."Alice said holding up her hand at her daughter, taking in a deep breath to calm herself slightly down. "Look, let's keep it simple."She said slowly, leaning on the desk. "You're gonna tell me how Jughead Jones is doing or I'm going to rip this whole place apart with my bare hands."She said, adding the last part through gritted teeth which caused the nurse to finally look up, trying to see how serious she was doing. "I will call the Sheriff."The nurse warned. "Call him because I've got a lot to say to that piece of sh..."She started to only get stopped by Betty again. "Mom, calm down."Betty said softly, looking at the door in the hope that FP would walk back inside, telling her that he finally knew more. "He's getting surgery but he'll be out of it in about 30 minutes."The nurse said, typing something on the keyboard before looking back at us. "Wait patiently."She warned, her eyes focused on Alice as she held up her hands. "Right, I'm gonna get some coffee."She said. "Do you need anything, sweetheart?"She asked looking at Betty who quickly shook her head. "No, thank you, mom."She said softly, leaning against Archie. "You need anything, Archie?"She asked the red-haired boy who also shook his head before she left the waiting room to get some coffee to find someone standing there already, pushing the button harshly, struggling with it clearly. "FP."She said softly causing him to quickly turn around facing her. "Alice."Tears already forming in his eyes as she ran towards him, wrapping her arms around him in a comforting hug, feeling him lean against her, holding her blouse tightly. "I can't lose him, Alice."He whispered, shaking in her arms. "Not again."He added, heartbroken. "You won't lose him, FP."She whispered, cupping his face in her hands, making him look at her as she wiped away the tears. "He's a tough one. Some gang of unwashed drug addicted empty heads like the Ghoulies can't defeat him."She said softly, her eyes holding his. "Will you stay?"He asked softly, laying his hands on top of hers. 

"Always, FP."

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