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A yelp left Alice her lips as the knife cut into her fingers, blood immediately leaving the small cut in her thumb. "Babe, are you okay?"FP asked worried, peeking his head inside the kitchen before noticing the blood on her thumb. "You're bleeding."He whispered, eyes bigger than a penny as he rushed to her side, wanting to put something on the cut but the blood was keeping him slightly from doing that. "It's fine, it's just a cut."She said with a smile, trying to ease his worries. "Babe, I mean, I know, I know it's a cut...but...I mean, uhm, do you not, you know notice the blood?"He asked, waving his hand towards her injured thumb. "It's really nothing, a band-aid and it will be okay."She reassured him, searching for the first aid kit that she kept in the kitchen in case of little incidents like this. "Babe, it's dripping."FP said, his eyes focused on the cut almost like he was afraid that if he didn't look, it would become bigger. "It's just a little blood, honey."She said back finally finding it. "I didn't know you were afraid of blood, Jonesy?"She added with a raised eyebrow, throwing a curious glance at him as he took the first aid kit out of her hands. "I'm not scared of blood, Ali. I'm scared of your blood leaving your hot body."He answered, opening it quickly before desinfecting the cut thoroughly. "I rather want it to stay in you."He muttered, covering the cut with a band-aid as he placed a kiss over it. "I shall try to be more careful, honey."She said with a smile, wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands rested on her hips, holding her close. "You better because I have my eyes on you from now on."He warned her with a wink before pecking her lips. "You always have your eyes on me."She said back with a chuckle, kissing him again. "Well on your hands from now on not on your butt, babe."

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