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A huff left her lips as she wrapped her jacket tighter around her, ignoring the man walking next to her. "You know, this whole thing will go much nicer if you would at least talk to me."He said, breaking the silince between them as she threw a glare in his direction. "Why are we even looking for that dog?"She asked irritated, having better things to do then walk around the forest, calling for Hot Dog. Whose idea was this even? 

"Jughead asked me."FP answered, looking around. "And Betty asked you."He added, leaning against a tree for a moment. "Can't we just leave it here?"She muttered, wanting to go back and finish the article she was busy writing until Betty ran inside the Register. "Come on, Alice, you love Hot Dog."FP said back, a smirk on his lips, remembering all too well when she had to take care of him. "I loved him because he slept all day."She answered plainly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Did you love me because I slept a lot?"He asked amused, a glare getting directed at him for that question. How they do not talk about those years and here he was, bringing it all back up in the middle of the forest. "But I'm not sure because I remember the things we did if we were awake."He added, a smirk on his lips as her cheeks turned red at that comment. 

"Shove it, Jones."She murmured, ignoring his eyes that were fixed on her. "Also you're not supposed to say stuff like that, you're married."She added quickly. "Not anymore, Alice. Thought you would have noticed by now."He said back, holding his hand up as she indeed found no longer a wedding ring around his finger. "Free to do what I want."He added with a wink causing her to narrow her eyes at him. "Not intrested."She hissed, walking away from him, hearing that chuckle of his, fill the air around them. "Why are you so flustered, Ali?"He asked, following her. "Gotta make me believe you still want me."He added as she could feel his presence right behind her. "In your dreams, Jones."She hissed, turning swiftly around on her heels to face him to only be surprised by how close they suddenly where as her blue eyes looked up finding his brown ones, an amused expression on his face. "And yours?"He asked, a hand reaching to stroke her cheek, stopping right under her chin, lifting it slightly up. "I'm not telling you that."She said back, realizing how the words sounded when they had left her lips as she could just hit herself on the head for that answer. "You don't deny it."He said as his eyes were focused on her lips, wanting so badly to kiss those lips of hers again. "I thought we were looking for Hot Dog."She whispered, her eyes trying to keep focused on his eyes but she couldn't help to often let them trail down. "I think we can take a little break."He muttered, his thumb stroking her lips, slightly pulling down her bottom lip. "A little?"She repeated with a raised eyebrow. "Depends."He said back before finally giving in, pressing his lips on top of hers as her arms snaked around his neck, pulling him even closer as all the emotions they had pushed away came back up. 

"I need you, Ali."


"So when are we going to tell them?"Betty asked, turning the straw in her milkshake around looking at Jughead who just took a bite from his burger. "Just give them one more hour."He answered once his mouth was empty, wiping some crumbles away with a napkin. "They're going to kill us once they know Hot Dog didn't run away."She muttered, already feeling guilty for lying to her mother about it. "You wanted our parents to be kinder to each other. So I see working together as a great manner."Jughead said quickly, a hand resting on top of hers. "And they're not going to kill us if they kill each other first."He added with a smile as she rolled her eyes at that. "I hope they are not."She quickly said, not knowing what was really happening with their parents.

And maybe that was for the best.

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