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A scream left her lips as she shot up in her bed, grabbing the blanket tightly in her hands as the door swung open. "Mom, are you alright?"Betty asked worried. "Just a nightmare, Elizabeth."Alice answered, stroking over the blanket absently. It wasn't the first time this happened, both of them knew. But they didn't really talk about it. Well, she didn't talk about it. How could she explain it to her daughter? "It's alright, honey."Alice said with a smile, trying to reassure her daughter to go back to her bedroom but she didn't seem convinced. "Mom, shouldn't you see someone to talk about this?"Betty asked unsure, knowing her mother would call it a stupid idea and not do anything about it, yet she tried to mention it in the hope her mother's opinion about it would change. "Don't say such a nonsense. I'm alright."Alice quickly said, stepping out of her bed as she wrapped her nightrobe around her body. "I'm gonna get myself a nice glass of water. You should go back to you bed, Betty."She added, placing a kiss on her daughter's forehead before going downstairs leaving Betty behind who just stared unsure after her mother. Was she really okay? No, not really. She could use some sleep but it never lasted.

A soft sigh left her lips as she pulled the fridge open, taking the bottle of white wine out of it. She could not really talk to anyone about what happened. She could not tell anyone she killed people. She had blood on her hands... How desperately she tried to wash it off, it never came off and it haunted her. The final moments were always on repeat in her head, from morning till night. She quickly filled a glass with wine, taking a sip. How she wanted to talk about it but she just couldn't. If she talked with some psychologist she would definitely be labelled crazy and maybe even a danger and what the hell will happen then? I mean she did murder someone... And not even just one person. She, Alice Smith was a murderer. Maybe this was what she deserved? Maybe this was payback of the world for the damage she conflicted. Maybe she just has to learn to live with it. Can't a person survive on 2 hours of sleep? It can't be impossible...Like what is the worst that could happen?

Turns out she found that out pretty quickly as she just placed her order in Pop's, ignoring the curious gaze she received from FP Jones who held her in his eyesight like a hawk as if he would be able to read what on earth was going on. "You know, Ali, you don't look too good."He said, typing down on the cash register as she just rolled her eyes. "If this is your way of subtle flirting, you really suck at it, Jones."She commented, searching in her wallet for her credit card when a sudden dizziness overwhelmed her causing her to grab the counter tightly, her knuckles turning white in the process of it. "Ali?Alice?"FP asked worriedly already making his way around the counter but before he could even reach her, everything went black and a darkness wrapped its arms around her like an old friend.



The room she was in was oh so quiet except from the beeping sound that seemed to be coming from her left. As her eyes slowly fluttered open, she cursed when bright light hit them making them shut back straight away. Wait bright lights, beeping sound...

Where the hell was she even? 

She went for another attempt to open her eyes carefully afraid to be once again blinded by the light to only feel how her eyes seemed to be slowly adjusted to the light above them. Almost in some kind of slowmotion she turned her head to the left to find the cause of the beeping noise which seemed to be a heart monitor. Wait why was she attached to a heart monitor? Wait if she was attached to that than it meant she was absolutely not home which she kinda already figured out but still...

What was the last thing that she could remember?

"You know Ali, you don't look too good."

A groan left her lips which caused something to move next to her and before she could even take a peek at what caused the movement arms wrapped tightly around her neck, engulfing her in a hug. "Careful, don't break her, Betty."A way too familiar voice said with a chuckle hearable in it as she peeked over the person's shoulder who was hugging her which she figured out must be Betty to find none other than FP Jones standing by the bed she was currently laying in, arms crossed and a smirk visible on his lips. He was scolding her in his head. She was pretty sure of that because she knew that damn smirk all too well. 

"I kinda told..."

"I swear to god don't, FP."Alice warned before he could finish his sentence as her attention shifted to her daughter who was hugging her now more carefully almost afraid she would break her mother. "Betty."She whispered, stroking her back softly to hear a sob next to her ear. "I thought something terrible happened. Not that it is not terrible that you fainted but..."Betty started, carefully thinking how to phrase what was going on in her head. "They started hooking you up to this heart monitor and they kept examining you and writing stuff down and no one wanted to tell me anything and I thought that...I don't know, mom. I thought I was going to lose you..."She muttered the last part as Alice cupped her daughter's cheeks in her hands, causing Betty to look at her. "I'm staying right here, Elizabeth."She whispered, wiping a tear away. "I hope not here in this hospital."FP commented causing them to laugh for the first time since she woke up. "Well definitely not."Alice said back with a smile. "Betty, do you mind looking for a doctor to tell him your mom is awake?"FP asked as Betty quickly left the room leaving Alice and FP alone as they just stared at each other in silince before he broke it first.

"You know you got me worried sick now, Ali."He said casually sitting down on the bed to rest a hand on her leg. "I'm quite alright honestly."She started as he just shook his head at that, a snort escaping his lips. "Ali babe, you are far from fine, they may have not told your daughter but I know what is really the problem here."He stated a pointed look in eyes. "Did you threaten them?"She asked. "No, I warned them."He corrected her, patting her leg. "Now, will you tell me about it?"He asked. "I don't really wanna talk...""How did that go?"He asked straight away before she could even finish her sentence. "Quite alright."She stated to see how he rolled his eyes at that. "Till you collapsed in my arm and I had to call an ambulance."He added. She was pretty sure there may be a pout on her lips now but she didn't care. She didn't like the fact that FP was pointing her nose on the obvious shit she was purposefully avoiding. "What are you even doing here? Don't you have to work?"She asked, crossing her arms. "I was working till the moment you collapsed and than I have been right here the whole time."He answered patting her leg once again almost making her want to kick him off the bed but she stopped the need to do that by just looking at the door through which Betty had left a couple of minutes, wishing for her daughter to already come back. "You know a thank you would be nice. Something like: "Thank you, FP, for catching me in your strong and muscular arms. I can always count on you, my superman!""He said, his voice going a pitch higher when he suggested what she could say as she just huffed at that. "Piss off."

"I see you're awake, Miss Smith."

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