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From that night, the left side of his bed was occupied by her. And he didn't mind it. No, he held her close when he could hear her whimper in her sleep, he stroked her hair when she was shaking. He would protect her against those nightmares that terrorise her nights. It was the least that he could do because maybe, maybe if he stayed she hadn't have to go through that all. Then he would have been by her side. But he wasn't back then...

"You're thinking, Jones."A soft voice whispered as he looked next to him to the woman that he thought was asleep to find her blue eyes staring at him, the question laying in them. "It's nothing, Alice."He muttered shaking it off as if it was nothing. Well, it was nothing to bother her with. "Are you sure?"She asked, sitting slightly up in the bed as her hand covered his. All he could do was nod his head before wrapping an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer towards him. Was it strange that he felt at ease when she was right next to him. And maybe they were nothing but just friends to each other, he would love her till the end of the world and protect her forever even when she didn't want it. He would make sure that no one would hurt her ever again. "Do you think the kids know?"She asked softly, not that she really worried about it. It was just a question that lingered in her head. "I don't think so."He answered straight away. Even when he wasn't sure of it. "Would you mind if they did?"He asked curious, his brown eyes studying her. "I don't think so."She muttered, resting her head on his shoulder. "We're just friends."She added softly, staring at the wall they were facing. Would she mind to be more? She didn't think so. No, she wouldn't mind at all. It would just perhaps complicate things even more between them. Not to forget that their children are also dating which would even complicate it all more. Oh, just thinking how Betty would react to it all made her throw away the idea of something more. She was trying to heal the relationship with her daughter and that could destroy it. No, she wasn't risking that. "Now you're the one deep in thoughts, Ali."He whispered, pulling her out of her thoughts as she looked up at him. "I was just thinking, that maybe it will all be okay."She explained, not that she had to. "It will be."He muttered with a small smile. "After all I got you."He added as she couldn't help but chuckle at that. "And I got you, Jones."She said back, crawling even closer to him. She felt at ease with him. As if the worries that troubled her mind suddenly dissapear. She knew that he would protect her if anything would happen. 

"Try to sleep a little, Ali."He whispered softly, placing a kiss in her hair. "Try to sleep a little yourself, Jones."She threw back, laying back down as he did the same, arms around her waist to hold her close to him as her arm was draped over his chest. "I will sleep just fine when I see you are."He whispered, not seeing the small smile that grew on her lips at that comment. "Thank you, FP, for everything."

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