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Before she could even comprehend what Veronica Lodge had screamed a shot sounded through the room, echoing off the walls as everyone screamed while getting away while she felt frozen, standing on the stage, seeing the silhouette of the man holding a gun. "Al!"A familiar voice sounded before she got pulled to the ground, arms wrapping around her, holding her closely as she could hear him breathing next to her ear. "Are you okay?"He asked in a whisper as she shook in his arms, not knowingly leaning closer against him. "I'm gonna get you out of here."He whispered before peeking past their hiding spot, no longer seeing anyone or hearing any gunshots. "Come with me, Al."He whispered, taking her hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze before leading her outside, to her car.

"Take me home, FP."She whispered as they sat in the car, waiting for a moment before the engine got turned on. "Alright."He murmured, driving off the parking lot of the school ready to make the turn towards the Cooper's house to only feel how she stopped him. "Not that one."She whispered as he nodded at that, turning in the oppossite direction, knowing what she meant with that without having to explain it as he drove towards the trailer park.

There was this silince in the car that neither of them minded as it gave them some peace for a moment. "You didn't come."She spoke, breaking the silince. "Where?"He asked, trying to focus on the road in front of him but his eyes kept traveling back to her. "The show."She answered, her voice sounded suddenly colder as she looked in the mirror for a moment, fixing her hair as she stuffed her glasses back in her handbag. "I came."He said, making a last turn. "But I left."He added stopping the car as he could feel her eyes on him, curiousity in them. "You...left?"She repeated unsure as he turned off the engine. "I saw you with Hal, Alice."He said back, meeting her blue eyes. "Betty invited him and he asked for a second chance."She explained. "So you gave him that immediately."He finished before she could, a snort leaving his lips. "He at least didn't give me the cold shoulder like you did."She threw back at him, taking her keys from him. "You left straight in the morning."He said next, turning around in his seat to look at her. "You made clear what it meant for you by that."He added in a hiss causing her to huff. "Yeah, right! I could have knocked on any door then."She said back, stepping out off the car before going around, opening his side. "Now get out of my car so I can leave."She hissed, tapping her foot in impatient. "Make me."He said, having suddenly an amused tune in his voice causing her to narrow her eyes at that. "You're an idiot, FP."She murmured, leaning more in the car ready to pull her in to only feel how his hands suddenly snaked around her waist before she got pulled in the car, landing right on his lap. "An idiot you have always loved."He whispered, looking at her lips for a moment. "Still."She murmured, pressing her lips on his in a heated kiss as his grip tightened around her, answering the kiss. "Now get out off the car."She whispered against his lips, slipping off his lap.

"As you wish, Al."He murmured, getting out of it, leaning against the car as he expected her to get in and leave him yet again behind to only hear how the door closed but she remained outside. "Don't make me regret it."She whispered pulling him to her by his collar, connecting their lips again as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her flat against him. "You only regret it in the morning, Al."He whispered against her lips, lifting her up as he carried her towards his trailer. "Why will I?"She asked, her arms around his neck. "Because you'll be sore as hell."

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