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It was obvious...It was so damn obvious to anyone who had eyes. The tension that hung in the air, the cold glares sending each others ways as she had her arms wrapped around herself while he stood in the back of the room, leaning against the wall watching her from there as another Serpent was talking with her. She looked confident but he knew that behind her confident she was insecure about everything. Now she was just acting stubborn because they had a fight, deciding to talk with as many Serpents as she could and making sure he noticed it. He moved swiftly through the room, stopping by the bar, hitting it with his fist as a sign for Hog Eye to give him another beer. His eyes not leaving the blond haired woman, surrounded by Serpents. Why did they even have a fight? He really didn't know it anymore, all he now knew was that he felt jealousy in his whole body. "Go say sorry."Hog Eye said, putting a bottle of beer down in front of his king as FP just gave him a glare. "She is going to come to me."He said back, taking a gulp of his beer, leaning more against the bar as Alice laughed, her hand resting on the shoulder of one of the Serpents that stood around her as he noticed how a hand rested on her waist. 

No, no, no.

That was the last thing he could take as he finished his beer quickly before making his way through the crowd, ignoring Hog Eye's pleas to be calm. "Get your hand off her."He hissed low, glaring at the Serpent who stared in schock at his leader who was furious while Alice just raised an eyebrow at that. "Is there a problem, Jones?"She asked with a smirk, leaning more towards the Serpent whose schock dissapeared at that as his arm went around his waist, pulling her closer towards him. "I don't see a problem."The Serpent said with a smirk, looking at Alice before looking back at FP who was fuming. "Ali, come with me now."He hissed low, glaring at the Serpent, needing her just to come with him, up the stairs to his office but looking at the situation, he knew damn sure that that was not going to happen so easily. "Don't command me around, Jones."She threw back with a glare. "Alice, you're getting on my nerves."He whispered in a begging tune, hoping that she just dropped the act. "Then leave me alone, Jones."She said back, pulling the Serpent with her to the exit of the bar, leaving him behind for a couple of seconds before he went after them. 

"Can you please leave the lady alone?"The Serpent asked irritated, his arms around Alice's waist, glaring at his leader, not afraid anymore which was a bad thing really. "Do you want to say something, Forsythe?"She asked with a smile as he growled at that, knowing all too well what she wanted him to say but what he refused to say. "Ali, you're playing a dangerous game."He muttered, needing that arm around her waist to dissapear before he would get in a fight with that piece of shit. "Am I?"She asked with a raised eyebrow before turning back to the Serpent. "You're a fucking tease, Smith."He said back with huff, pushing the Serpent away from her when he leant too close to his liking towards her. "Get the fuck away now."He hissed at the Serpent whose cocky attitude dissapeared immediately, dissapearing inside the bar, leaving them alone. "Only three simple words, Jones."She said with a smirk, holding up three fingers. "You can say them also."He said back, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her body flat against his. "I've said them dozens of time."She said, her arms around his neck, dropping the silince treatment she had been giving him ever since she left his office. "I love you, Ali."

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