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"I'm waitin' up, savin' all my precious time"

He had been staring at his watch for the last few hours as he was damn sure that she was running late. Normally her regular coffee hour was around three o'clock in Pop's but now it was 5 and she wasn't here yet which worried him deeply.

"Losin' light, I'm missin' my same old us"

He cared about her, could he? Some would say that he shouldn't be caring about someone that is just a friend but perhaps that part is where they lost him. The just friends part.

"Before we learned our truth too late"

Because truely he was deeply and still madly in love with her even after all those years of him being with Gladys and having a family and she being with Hal and having her own family. He realized he wanted that with her and not with who he had it now and he regretted how it ended between them. How could he have been that stupid? He was such a fool really...

"Resigned to fate, fadin' away"

"Are you waiting for something, Jones?"A familiar voice asked as he looked up finding her blue eyes looking at him with questions in them, laying visible for him to answer.

"So tell me, can you turn around?"

"You're late."Was all he could say in return as a chuckle left her pink painted lips as she sat down at the counter, resting her laptop bag on the counter. "A woman is never late, Jones."She answered playfully with a wink.

"I need someone to tear me down,oh, tell me, can you turn around?"

"Thought you had learned that already."She added as he filled a cup with coffee, a cloud of milk and two sweeteners was how she liked her coffee. She didn't have to tell him that for him to give her the right order. He knew everything that she ordered. From the evening meals she ordered for her and Betty to her favorite milkshake order. Not that he was really trying that hard to remember that, it just happened to stick in his mind like a bubblegum to your shoe.

"But either way, hold me while you wait"

"I always was a bad student."He said back with a wink, putting the cup in front of her, happy to see her rather cheerful today even when she was late. Yet he was curious why she was late and happy? Was there something up in her life? Perhaps a new man? "Now how come you were late?"He asked, cleaning the counter to just act busy and not curious as he could feel her gaze on him, calculating him. 

"I wish that I was good enough, Hold me while you wait"

"I finished a long article for the Register, why, Jones?"She asked, taking a sip from her coffee, a smile on her lips as it was just how she liked it. "Worried?"She asked before he could say something.

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