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This was not how it was supposed to go. 

No absolutely not. She had planned it almost all perfectly in her head but here they now all stood and it was a pure panic inside of her head. She wanted to tell it to Betty when the time was right but she didn't want her daughter to find her in the bed of another and not just another. That other was FP. Also it was not like it was a one nightstand. No it was more than a one nightstand from the moment it happened and she tried to deny it first but now she couldn't see it differently. That she in fact was madly in love with him. 

"You're lost in thoughts, babe."He whispered as an arm slipped around her waist, pulling her flat against him as she only noticed now that the kids had left. "It wasn't supposed to go like this, FP."She muttered, resting her head against his bare chest, listening to the beating of his heart as he just swayed her softly. "I know, Ali. But now they know."He said back, looking down at her as she looked up, raising an eyebrow. "They know indeed but how? They caught their parents having sex with each other. That is absolutely not the best way for them to find it out!"She said sternly, shaking her head as she slipped out of his arms. "Well, they not really caught us when we were doing it, they caught us in the aftermath."He muttered, scratching the back of his head to only receive a glare from her. "As if that is any better!"She said, opening the fridge with a loud huff as he just followed her, studying her. "Babe, babe."He said softly, closing the distance between them. "I know it wasn't the best way."He added, pulling her back in his arms. "But we can't change it now. It happened."He whispered, placing a kiss on her head. "It's gonna be alright."He muttered as she felt herself relax in his arms. It was all going to be okay, really...

It wasn't the best way for their kids to find that out but well, they did and now she didn't have to hide it anymore. "I love you, Ali."He whispered causing her to look up. Blue eyes finding brown ones nothing but love in them. "I love you to, Jonesy."She whispered back, reaching up as her lips touched gently his before pulling back going inside his bedroom once again as he just followed slightly confused at what she was doing now to find her now fully dressed in his room, hands on her hips. "Get ready, FP."She said with a raised eyebrow, a cheeky grin forming on her lips. "For?"He asked back challenging as she took a step closer towards him. "We're going home, Jones."

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