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Some days, she didn't find the right words to say. How to say what she felt or to simply say hello. Sometimes it all was so much harder than before.
She realized that more than ever as she sat in a booth in Pop's, seeing FP, Gladys, Jellybean and Jughead in another booth acting all happy family like nothing bad happened in their family and she couldn't stand it.
Was she jealous? She would one hundred precent deny that.
Did she want to be there sitting next to FP instead of Gladys? For sure!
But could she do that? That is a big fat no...

"You're staring so intensly that it could almost kill her, you know."A familiar voice spoke as her train of thoughts stopped to look up at Hermione Gomez, not Lodge anymore, standing by her table, hands on her hips while an all knowing smirk was present on her lips. "I was not."She quickly said as the black head slipped on the seat in front of her, elbows on the table with her chin resting on her hands, identical to her daughter's posture when she knew a gossip was about to come. Like mother, like daughter you could say in this case. "You know, you could talk to him."She suggested, looking also at the family sitting a couple of booths away from them. "Don't say something that ridiculous."Alice muttered with a shake of her head. "He is clearly happy now, with her."She added softly, seeing how Hermione raised an eyebrow at that, not believing a word that was leaving Alice's lips. "So you push away your happiness for fake happiness that that serpent can give him?"She asked skeptical. "And the serpent is meant as a bad word not as a gang member."She added before Alice could say something about it. "Now grow yourself a pair of balls and go to your man."Hermione said before leaving her once again alone in the booth, receiving a thumbs up from the black head before she left the Diner. 

She wasn't going to do what Hermione suggested her, not over her dead body would she stand up and interupt that family gathering and ruin it all. She wouldn't sink that low. No, she simply couldn't. Instead she should have stood up and left the Diner but she stayed seated in the booth, her blue eyes studying them. "Another coffee, Alice?"Pop asked, knowing all too well what got the blond-haired woman's attention. "Yes, please."She answered with a  smile, watching him fill the empty cup of coffee before helping other customers as her eyes went back to FP and his family noticing just how he handed some papers to Gladys who wrote something on it before leaving Pop's, saying her goodbyes to her children as she walked through the doors of the Diner. "Curiousity kills the cat, you know."Someone said, pulling her attention away from Gladys who had entered her car to find the sole reason why she had stayed here, standing by a table. "But a cat has nine lifes."She threw back with a smirk as FP slipped on the seat in front of her. "Do you have some lifes over than?"He asked with a raised eyebrow, taking a sip from her cup of coffee. "Enough to question your wife."She answered, pulling her cup closer to her, out of his reach. "Ex-wife."He corrected her straight away. "And here I thought Hermione would have spilled the beans to you."He muttered amused, schock appearing on Alice's face. "She knew it?!"She asked rather loudly as he chuckled at that. "I asked her for help on the divorce papers."He explained as an answer to her question. "Seeing she recently divorced Hiram."He added. "I could've helped you, you know."She muttered, not that she felt jealous that he went to Hermione instead of her. Well, not that she would admit of course. 

"You almost sound jealous, babe."He said amused, managing to steal her cup of coffee from her. "Don't babe me, Jones."She warned, pointing a finger at him, watching him take a sip from her coffee. "Don't Jones me, Smith."He warned back, not hiding the fact that he found pleasure in pushing her buttons. "Don't Smith me, Forsythe."She threw back, standing up from her seat. "Don't Forsythe me, Alice."He said back also standing up, a big grin on his face. "Sometimes I can't stand you."She muttered with a shake of her head, ready to leave the Diner to feel how fingers slipped around her wrist, stopping her from walking away. "But yet you always come back to me, Alice."He said softly, a hand resting on her hip as his other hand that still held her wrist pulled her even closer. "Making the same mistakes as before."She muttered under her breath, finding those brown eyes that always seemed to hypnotize her. "Perhaps we are learning from our mistakes, Ali."He whispered, leaning closer towards her. "And won't need to make them again because maybe this time I can make you stay."

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