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Her hands trembled slightly as she filled her palm with more pills of different colours, some bigger than others, all having the same effect, numbing her feelings. She had said she was okay, the moment he pointed the gun at her head. She had said she was doing fine when worried eyes scanned her but in reality, she, Alice Smith, was far from fine. She was broken beyond repair, filling her body with chemicals in hope that she would stop feeling so damn numb! 

She was alright as long as she kept taking her pills as if they changed something at all. As if they made her feel any better because in reality it was the smile she pasted on her face that made everyone believe she was alright. Her cheerful smile while preparing breakfast for her youngest daughter, greeting her back home after school and kissing her goodnight. It was the way she build the Register back up from the dust, how she picked up all the pieces of her life and tried to make them one piece once again. Pretending...

"Alice Smith."FP Jones spoke greeting the blonde as she entered Pop's, her blue eyes scanning her surroundings, knowing that no one else was present in the Diner except for her and FP who stood behind the counter busying himself with cleaning the counter. "What brings you here?"He asked, not even looking up at her as she took a seat, crossing her legs carefully. "The regular, Jones."She answered calmly, her hands flat on the surface, feeling the coldness of the counter on her palms as she counted slowly to 10 before back to 0, watching him say something to Pop before turning back towards her, leaning slightly against the counter as he studied her for the first time since she entered the Diner. "You doing fine, Ali?"He asked curious, knowing all too well all the shit that went down in her life but yet he asked the most stupid, dumb question he could ask in her eyes. Maybe it was a simple ice breaker he needed before he could start a decent conversation with her, even when taking her order was an ice breaker enough for her. "How do you think, Jones?"She asked with a raised eyebrow, a huff leaving her pink lips. "I'm doing just absolute great."She added sarcastic, feeling his brown eyes scan her. "You're a horrible liar."He said back, covering her hand with his to only have her pull away. "Maybe I am but everyone believed, Forsythe."She threw back rather coldly, not wanting to talk about this all anymore. She was done with the topic this conversation was going towards and she absolutely did not want to discuss that topic with him, from all the people she could talk to, it would absolutely never be him, not in a thousand years. But here they were...

"As long as I kept myself busy I was doing fine and no one really cared then."She added, standing up from her seat. "I care."He answered, speaking those two simple words as her mind went completely blank at that, staring at him. "You don't."She whispered softly, shaking her head. He could not be playing this game with her again. Not this time. "I do, I always cared about you, Ali babe."He quickly said, going around the counter, grabbing her arms before she could run away, what she was about to do. "I'm just the worst at showing you."He added with a sad smile."You don't, you don't. Don't say shit like that."She whispered in disbelief, it couldn't be. They had been going down that road so many times and she wasn't going to risk it again. "You know what don't bother about the order, here is the money but leave me alone."She said, pulling away from his grip, pushing the money in his hands as she ran outside the Diner, driving away before he could come after and try to make her see the brighter side of everything. Show her his feelings that never changed and always stayed the same. 

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