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How was she going to do this?

She could just simply get it off her chest and spill the beans but a part of her didn't want to do it so randomnly but then again, how else was she going to do it?

"You're not drinking anything?"FP asked as he sat down on the barstool next to her, eyeing the water curious before his gaze went to Hog Eye who simply held up his hands, a sign that he did not know what was going on. "I just came to check on you."She answered, forcing a smile on her lips as he just raised an eyebrow, sensing that there was something wrong but he just couldn't put his finger on it. "Is there something wrong, babe?"He asked carefully, a hand resting on her knee. "I need to go to the bathroom."She quickly said, leaving FP behind by the bar as she rushed towards the restroom. "Did I do something wrong?"He asked looking at Hog Eye who was cleaning a glass, shrugging his shoulders. "Women."

"I can't do it, Mione, I can't. I tried but I choked on my words."She said, holding the phone against her ear while sitting on a toilet with a locked door in front of her. "You at the Whyte Wyrm?"Hermione asked from the other side as she nodded her head at that before quickly uttering a yes, realizing she couldn't see her. "He's going to hate me, isn't he?"She asked in a whisper, tears escaping her eyes as she quickly wiped them away with her sleeve. "He is not going to hate you, I'm now on my way there, I'll be there in 10 minutes."


"Hermione?"FP said surprised, watching the black head enter the bar, her eyes scanning the room. "What are you doing here?"He asked as he stood up, ready to greet her to only see how she raised a hand before going to the restroom, leaving him more confused behind as his eyes went immediately to Hog Eye who simply shrugged his shoulders again. "I told you, women."

"Alice, are you in here?"Hermione asked, closing the door behind her to hear the click of a lock before a door got pushed open. "I'm screwed, Hermione."Alice muttered as she left the stall, staring at her reflection in the mirror. "Who says that, darling."Hermione said back, taking out a tissue from her purse, carefully swiping away Alice's smudged mascara. "You're just overthinking everything."She said with a soft smile, trying  her best to comfort her best friend. "We're not ready to be parents."Alice muttered, shaking her head. "We're totally not ready for another child."She added quickly. "You never are."Hermione answered before Alice could say something else. "But the wonderful thing is, you have people who pull you through that."She explained, throwing the tissue in the trashcan. "And I'm here to support you and FP will support you also. I'm sure about that, just trust me."She added, hearing a knock on the door before a familiar face peeked inside. "I want answers. What's going on here?"FP asked, entering the ladies restroom, not giving a damn anymore as all he wanted to know was what was going on with his girlfriend. "I'm gonna give you two some privacy."Hermione said, sending a wink to Alice before leaving the restroom.

"You're gonna talk to me, Ali babe?"FP asked carefully, closing the space between them, cupping her cheeks in his hands, making their eyes connect. "Can you promise me something?"She asked softly, tears ready to spill as he just nodded his head, worries filling his mind. "Don't hate me."She said in a whisper before her hands went in her purse, searching for the thing that has been haunting her for weeks now before handing him the test, not knowing how to explain this all as he just stared at it, first not understanding it before realization hit him.

She was pregnant. She was pregnant with his child. They were going to be parents.

"FP?"She asked carefully the tears leaving her eyes, afraid for what was going to follow to only be surprised when he laughed, a twinkle in his eyes as he wiped her tears away. "We're gonna be parents, Ali!"He exclaimed, hugging her tightly. "You're pregnant."He added, twirling her around. "You're not angry?"She asked slightly confused. Not that she wasn't happy with his reaction, she was surprised. "Of course I'm not, I'm so happy! This is amazing news, I can't wait to meet this little angel of ours!"

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