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"Should I call Mrs. S.?"Jughead asked his dad who sat in the chair in front of the desk, holding an ice pack against his eye. "Don't you bother her with this!"He warned his son, pointing a finger at him, as a groan left his lips. Why did he decide to throw that serpent out again? He couldn't even recall it anymore. Perhaps it was due to the enormous headache that was forming or the fact that his nose was bleeding and the blood was dripping on his shirt which would make her go crazy, telling him hard it is to get blood out of your clothes while he would just stare at her not even registering her words. "I'm going to check downstairs to see if everything is alright in the bar."Jughead said, leaving the office as he went down the stairs to find Hog Eye cleaning up the blood that was on the floor while Fangs and Sweet Pea sat at bar, talking to each other. Probably saying who had had the biggest role in the previous fight while both of them may have hit the serpent once while his dad hit him more than twice before throwing him out.

"How is your dad?"Hog Eye asked when he noticed Jug standing by the stairs, thinking back about the fight. "Stubborn."He answered straight away causing a chuckle to leave the barman's lips, shaking his head lightly before putting the mop down as he was quite satisified by how quick he managed to get the blood of the wooden floor. "What did you do in these kind of situations?"Jughead asked curious as he sat by Fangs and Sweet Pea at the bar watching Hog Eye make his way around it, before putting some drinks in front of the three boys. "I usually called her and she took than care of the mess."He answered with a smile. "I remember the days she used to kick serpents out of the bar or even got involved in fights. Remember that nasty one she had with Penny Peabody as if it happened yesterday."Hog Eye continued not even minding what he was saying anymore as they all looked curious at him. "Who won?"Sweet Pea asked straight away only caring about that as Jug was more surprised to hear how badass Mrs. S used to be before going to the Northside. "Alice won of course, you had to see how Penny left the bar. I think she only came back when Alice left."Hog Eye answered with a smirk. He had seen Alice always as a daughter and that moment had given him such a proud dad feeling that it still made him smile when he thought about that. It had hurt when she had left the serpents but he from everyone understood it the most. He saw the potentional in her, he saw what she could be if she wasn't from here so he letted her go with the words:"Never doubt to come back here, little kid.", that's how they had parted and he was so happy when he saw her back when FP was released from prison, he knew she was in here to stay once again and she proved it. "Do you want me to call here or you're gonna do it?"He asked, going back to the main point of the subject. "Can you?"Jughead asked unsure as he didn't know what he would say to Mrs. S. The conversation would be so fucking awkward that he rather avoided it and to him it sounded like Hog Eye had done it more than once as Hog Eye nodded his head at that, taking his phone out of his pocket before dailing her number straight away receiving an answer from the otherside. "He got in trouble, Hog Eye?"Alice's voice sounded from the other side as he chuckled at that. "What do you think?"Hog Eye before the call got ended, a sign that she had already left her house and was on her way here. "She's coming."Hog Eye said as the three boys looked at him once again curious. "Without explanation?"Jughead asked surprised that there was absolute no doubt that she was coming. "Of course, my call is for her explanation enough."Hog Eye answered, filling their glasses quickly. "Now are you going to warn your dad she is coming or not?"He asked, looking at Jughead with a raised eyebrow as he quickly shook his head. "He kills me then because I didn't stop you."He explained, fininishing his drink quickly before the doors opened as Alice Smith entered the bar, her blue scanning the inside before landing on them. "He is upstairs?"She asked with a cocked eyebrow as all four of them nodded their head, Fangs pointing at the stairs absently. "This is how you solve a problem like this, boy."

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