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"Don't you feel like something changed, Jug?"Betty asked carefully as they sat on the couch in the living room. "What?"He asked confused, looking at his girlfriend. "Our parents, they act so different suddenly."She explained as she had noticed it now for a month that their parents no more fought whenever they saw each other, some may even say they became friends and that just...If someone would tell her that two months ago, she would have laughed in their face, her mom and FP becoming friends? Not a chance!

"Well, it's nice to not have them kill each other, don't you think?"Jug asked back. "Makes me no longer feel like a referee in their fights."He added as he laid his arm around her shoulder, pulling her slightly closer towards him. "I know but it's... I don't know, it's strange. I'm used to them fighting and out of nowhere they are...Friends?"She explained slightly unsure about what she was trying to say, almost not finding the words to describe how strange it all seemed to her. "I get it, Betts. But I think it's a good thing they are 'friends' now."Jug said back. "Maybe we could finally have a decent dinner?"He suggested, the thought of food making it all better. "How about just Pop's?"


Just like that they sat together in a booth with their parents who voluntary sat next to each other in the booth which made Betty only more suspicious but she had to admit that it was nice to not have them fight each other all the time. "How has work been, Dad?"Jughead asked, holding his burger in his hands while watching his father whose arm lazily hung over the seat. "Uneventful."FP answered, carefully drawing patterns on Alice her back out of the sight of the children. "How is school?"He asked back, throwing the question back at Jughead who shrugged his shoulders. "Slightly boring, at least we have the Blue and Gold back."Jughead answered with a smile towards Betty who nodded her head in agreement. She was glad that Principal Weatherbee gave them back the Blue and Gold now that everything was finally calming down. 

It gave her something to do when everything else was done. "No trouble?"FP asked with raised eyebrow. "I'm no troublemaker, dad."Jughead answered, taking a bite from his burger. "Your father probably thought you would cause the same troubles as he did back in the days."Alice said with a smile, remembering all the stunts she and FP had pulled, turning Principal Featherhead almost insane from all the trouble they caused. "If I'm right, most of them you were complicit."FP said back, an amused smirk on his lips. "Well, I never got caught, Jones."She threw back at him. "You two got in trouble?"Jughead asked, slightly surprised. That his father caused trouble, he could totally understand but Ms. S? No, he wouldn't have seen her as a troublemaker...

"A lot of trouble."FP commented, taking a sip from his coffee. "We always tried to spike the punch during dances."He added, looking at Alice who chuckled at that. "Pulled the fire alarm several times to get the other out of trouble."Alice added. "You did that, mom?!"Betty asked schocked, looking at her mother. "I remember that moment."FP said also chuckling as he thought back. "Featherbee was just about to expell me when the fire alarm suddenly went off. Didn't you even make the sprinklers go off?"He asked. "If I remember we did that together, Jones."She said back. "Still got the famous lighter."FP muttered, patting his pocket. "You kept it?"Alice asked slightly surprised at that. "Of course, couldn't get rid of it."He answered with a smile, his hand resting on her leg under the table out of their children's gaze as he squeezed her leg. "And here I thought you were the good student, Ms. S."Jughead murmured, finishing his burger just as Betty's phone buzzed. "V is asking if we wanna hang out by Sweetwater River."Betty said softly, looking at Jughead. "You kids can go, I'll have to go finish an article for the Register."Alice explained, her hand covering FP's. "I don't mind."Jughead added as answer to the unspoken  question between him and Betty before she nodded her head, sending a reply to Veronica. "We're going then. I'll see you tonight, mom."Betty said, giving her mom a kiss on the cheek and FP a hug as Jughead also said his goodbyes to them, leaving the Diner with Betty as Alice and FP now sat alone in the booth staring at their children through the window. 

"You think they know?"She asked softly, her blue eyes going to FP. "I don't think so."He muttered as he took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers. "Shouldn't we tell them?"He asked carefully, not wanting to push her into anything but they had been seeing each other for a month now and he was tired of hiding how much he loved her. He just wanted to be able to kiss when he liked but instead he always had to wait till they were alone to kiss her.

"How about we figure this all out together tonight?"

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